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My DH took a vacation day Friday. Today he gets a call from his boss and I answer it. The boss said he put it in as an unpaid day because DH has used all of his vacation. I tried to explain that his vacation reset to one week in August at the end of his 2 year anniversary. He is saying nope he gets one year after he has completed 1 year and then 2 weeks when he has completed 3 years.


I tried to say no he gets one week after the first year 8/07-8/08. He used that week in April of 09. He accrued one week working from 8/08-8/09 and can use that any time after 08/09 but before 08/10. After 08/10 he gets 2 weeks. He said well I am confused and I put it in as unpaid. Who ever heard of giving vacations every other year???


I am so angry I could scream. The man can't keep track of anything. My DH does his job all the time. I know I should be thankful that he has a job but this is going cause a financial strain this week.


P.S. I only answered him because he is our neighbor and I know him on a personal level.

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I worked for a company like that once (a fortune 500 company). I didn't get to take any vacation until after I had earned it. I remember I started in Aug 95. I had no vacation in 1995, and I accrued 3 days to use in all of 1996.


The boss could be right. Your dh needs to check the written HR policy. If it's a big company, he should have an HR rep who can help him.

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Yeah. That's how it was for my dh too.

You had to accrue the time before you were allotted vac time.

So after 12 months you had sick/vac time of 1 week.

After you worked 3 years completed you could take 2 weeks.

Your dh and his boss should have understood this before the time was taken off tho. Otherwise I'd be concerned about it counting against him. Dh should call his boss and hr and make it's corrected and the missed paid time off is on the next check.


And yeah. It stinks. :grouphug:

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Yeah, I used to be the HR department for dh's law firm, and our employee handbook said that employees were entitled to one week of vacation after one year of employment. After 3 years, they were entitled to 2 weeks, and after 10 years, they were entitled to 3 weeks. That doesn't mean that in the 2nd, and 4th-9th years of employment, they weren't entitled to any vacation time. It meant that each year after the initial time period they were entitled to that amount of vacation, until they reached the next level and could get more vacation.

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