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Update on our school year (for those who'd like to know ;)

Sue G in PA

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Quick review: Oldest 3 in ps, youngest 4 at home. I must say, that as much as I HATE having my oldest in ps right now, my year at home has been going very smoothly. My dh has been home sick and commented last week that he really feels that I have hit my "homeschooling stride" having just elementary to teach. He might be right. I am having FUN this year, despite the sibling rivalry and occasional bad school attitudes and a toddler who is in to EVERYTHING! We started slow (just la/reading and math) and gradually added some science, history and art. We tried using FIAR, but it fizzled...we just didn't get into it. I might try again later, b/c I really do like the concept. Dd4 is doing MFW K and we both LOVE it! Ds6 is reading better each day although he still struggles with some letter sounds and "guessing" at words instead of sounding them out. His handwriting has improved dramatically, too, to the extent that we can do simple copywork and Phonics Road without stress! He should be ready for MFW 1st by Jan at this rate! Monday I am adding in Our Los Banos free American History curriculum (free is good right now!)for dd8 and dd6 and attempting to piece together my own science program based on the units in MFW K. I'm taking the topic of each week and beefing it up a bit for ds8, to the extent that he is interested and adding some more advanced and intricate experiments. For example, we just did L, L Leaf in MFW K and so we read about plants and trees and labeled the parts of the tree. Monday we will attempt to separate the colors in a leaf using coffee filters and rubbing alcohol! So far, so good. I still have CKE Earth and Space should all the work start to be too much for me. Ds8 will also be using DITHOR 2/3 starting Monday. Ds8 is not fighting me as much and is actually enjoying some parts of school. That is big-time progress! :D While I'd love to bring my 3 oldest home for next year...I'm grateful for the smooth year God has given me this year so far! Thank you everyone for all your encouragement and advice through the years b/c I certainly couldn't have done it w/out you! Still can't! So...thanks!

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I am glad to hear that your year is going well. I always love to read success stories. I am also encouraged to hear about your MFW K working for your 4 yo because I am really thinking about getting this for my 4yo who will be 5 in November to add some learning fun to his day. I am feeling like the poor kid gets lost in the shuffle and I also think that my 6 yo (7 in Dec) will enjoy the fun stuff from it. I don't want them to lose out on fun just because I am dealing with their older brothers. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your story.

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Thanks guys! Wendy, my dd4 absolutely LOVES MFW K and is doing quite well with it. I tried it with ds6 last year and he really, really did NOT like it...not the cutting, pasting type and we really just wasn't ready for school yet. This year, he's ready and is enjoying some of the activities in MFW K so I have hope for MFW 1st for him! Dd4 is very advanced in reading for her age and handwriting, but still she is 4...so she enjoys all the fun stuff!

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