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Betty Crocker gluten free mixes

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We enjoy the yellow, but add a little almond extract for a better flavor. I also like to add two eggs and a little oil to the yellow mix and make sugar cookies. Icing, sprinkles, decorations, and even my gluten-eating kids don't know the difference.


I don't really care for the choc chip cookies, however. I prefer the 365 brand from Whole Foods for chocolate chip cookies, or I make from scratch when I have a little extra energy...so 99% of the time I buy the mix!! I get the mixes by the case at WF to get a small discount. Let me know if you try the cookie mix and what you think of it. I haven't tried the brownie mix so I'm curious what others think of it.

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We still like Pamela's and the Gluten Free Pantry the best, for flavor and price value. We also like Whole Food's 365 and Bob's Red Mill for pizza and bread mixes. But, I'm still glad to see BC come out with these... hopefully more will follow.


I've read, but don't know for sure, that the BC mixes are actually made by Gluten Free Pantry under the BC label. I haven't ever compared the two, but I think I will one day. :)

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We enjoy the yellow, but add a little almond extract for a better flavor. I also like to add two eggs and a little oil to the yellow mix and make sugar cookies. Icing, sprinkles, decorations, and even my gluten-eating kids don't know the difference.


I don't really care for the choc chip cookies, however. I prefer the 365 brand from Whole Foods for chocolate chip cookies, or I make from scratch when I have a little extra energy...so 99% of the time I buy the mix!! I get the mixes by the case at WF to get a small discount. Let me know if you try the cookie mix and what you think of it. I haven't tried the brownie mix so I'm curious what others think of it.


Your recipe for the sugar cookies sound good. I'll try that. I haven't seen the 365 brand choc. chips cookies mix at WF. I'll look next shopping trip.


Seems the choc. chip cookies aren't getting a good review here. Maybe I'll try the brownies instead. I do have a brownie recipe that I love.

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Are there any artificial ingredients in the mixes (coloring, flavoring)?

Sorry to quote myself :o but does anyone know? We are GF but also cannot do any food coloring or artificial flavorings (and unfortunately have bought GF stuff before that had added coloring and flavorings :( ). The brownie mix sounds tempting. But, before I go hunting it down around town, I am curious if we can even have it. (I couldn't find anything about ingredients on the BC website.)

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I haven't tried BC brand yet, but we love Namaste brand around here. So far, I've tried their choc cake mix, spice cake mix, brownie mix, and pizza crust mix and they have all turned out great (obviously not the same as non-GF, but great for GF).


I do look forward to trying out the BC brownie mix now though! ETA Never mind, just looked at the ingredients for it and it has soy. :(

Edited by sleepymommy
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