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VP Ancient Eygpt


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We have just started this program this year and I am finding that I probably should have bought some of the supplimental books for the year. We can't even begin to afford all that are recomended, and was wondering if someone here could tell me which ones they found to be the most helpful.





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We really enjoyed Tirzah by Lucille Travis, The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, and God King by Joanne Williamson.


There is a Golden Goblet Literature Unit in the TM.




P.S. We started reading Tirzah with Card 24, Golden Goblet with Card 26, and God King with Card 30.

Edited by Mommy7
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We really enjoyed Tirzah by Lucille Travis, The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, and God King by Joanne Williamson.


There is a Golden Goblet Literature Unit in the TM.




P.S. We started reading Tirzah with Card 24, Golden Goblet with Card 26, and God King with Card 30.


this is helpful...thanks.

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I really like the History Pockets--use only if you have kids that like cutting and pasting. You can look at many of the pages in this book at the Evan-Moore website.


The Egyptian Cinderalla--one of our favorite picture books, but I wouldn't buy it--see if your library has it.


Ancient Egypt: A First Look at People of the Nile


Mummies Made in Egypt


Mara of the Nile--good for a read aloud


Pyramid by McCauley--very detailed--may be to much for your children's ages, but the DVD of the same title is very good and may work for you.


To be honest, a lot of the books listed in the Veritas catalog for this time period seem like they are for older children. You might wish to check out what your library has for your younger children.


My favorite book for this time period is The Usborne Book of the Ancient World. The first third of the book covers ancient Egypt and then Ancient Greece and Rome is the last 2/3's of the book. I am using this book for my third (and final) swing through ancient history. It is pretty easy to correspond to the cards.


I also second the recommendations you have already received.


I'm running out the door, but will check back tonight or in the morning. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

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Wow, it's been a long time... Have you checked to see what your local library has? 1/2 the cards in OTAE are Bible events. Most topical books you're only going to need for a week, and they're things your library would have. I'd look at the readings cited on the cards and pick a spine or two that would hold you through most of the way. I think we were using CHOW at the time and then had a bunch of topical books. My dd read a lot of the stuff for herself, so I just honestly don't remember.


Have you seen Spend the Day in Ancient Egypt? That would be a lot of fun with those ages.


Try your library for topical books. VP is not book-specific, so ANYTHING you find on those topics will work just fine. Video clips online will work. Anything you find will work. SOTW chapters will work. Google the topic and something like crafts or activity and see if you can find a hands-on to make it pop.

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i bought all of the books they recommended - the red list to the purple list. seriously. i found that most were not what i was looking for (I needed/wanted books for youngers and these were for much older kids) and i didn't love them. i have loved reading them myself, but my girls were maybe 6 and 9 or 5 and 8 and i would have preferred waiting on most of the chapter books and reading more of the revised ones suggested on this forum instead. we are doing egypt again this year using the library and the SOTW recommendations and loving it. i do have my 13 y.o. reading Tirzah right now and I myself loved it. The Golden Goblet was great too but I don't want to read it to my kids yet. I think I'll wait till we go through the rotation next time. My 9 y.o. said the typeface was too small in Tirzah and she really struggled reading it. That is the first time she has ever complained about that for any book. I liked Childs History of the World. All of that said, I'd check your library first to see what they have from the VP list before buying much. Oh - all of the ones that are easy readers were great.


one other note-my oldest dd can't handle reading much that is very graphic with violence. she struggles with fear issues. many of the chapter books were too graphic for her. even the golden goblet is beyond what i would want her to read with her issues. i personally enjoyed it though. i just think you could read all of the chapter books from your library and decide if you think they'd work this year for your kids. i've reread each this year to decide for mine and have still waited on most even though it is our 2nd rotation through history. we are loving the other books we are reading and all of the shorter VP recommendations though.

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I got the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, but was disappointed. It had some things, but not as much as I thought. I used SOTW vol. 1 as much as was applicable and my daughter enjoyed it. She also read Tirzah and liked it a lot. I read the Golden Goblet and thought it was not what she would be interested in (more for boys and a little above her reading level). She liked Tut's Mummy Lost...and Found (got it at the library). We also found one of the video's on Ancient Egypt (listed in the book) at the library - kind of a snoozer, but seeing some things was nice. We happened to be able to go to the King Tut exhibit that year for a field trip. What amazing timing that it was in our area! There is also a video that might be at the library. Streams of Civilization vol. 1 is probably good to have. I think it is a "red" resource and it usually has most of the topics. Between SOTW, Streams of Civ and stuff at the library, you should be fine.

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