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Honestly, are your TOG kids doing all this work?

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So we're in TOG week 6 of Year 2.

He could possibly be assigned:

Core Reading

book on Middle Ages pgs 71-78, 97-100

In depth Reading

book about life in Medieval Times ch 2, 4, 6


Lords and Vassals document


Dante Supplement totaling three pages

Dante information on the Author Index Page (few paragraphs)

Allegory information from the Poetry Analysis Document (1 page)

Catholic Doctrine information totaling 6 pages

First half of Dante's Inferno from the Norton's Anthology (pgs 1465-1519)

book on lit. elements in the bible... pgs 127-129

Church History

Church History book pgs 178-182

Pageant of Philosophy on Anselm's Argument

Philosophy book p 57


Geography work, thinking and accountability questions,church history questions, government questions, philosophy discussion, history discussion and literature discussion on top of above reading.


The composition assignment was to -

Learn about analytical essay writing, review thesis importance, scan grading strategies sheet in WA, write (deep breath here) an essay using this as one possible choice

"The feudal era was repressive and brutal for most women."


At this point I'm thinking I know what's repressive and brutal for most homeschooling women!:blink:


Are ya with me??? I'm playing around here, but pwheweee. I need some perspective and quick.


Wow! I mean WOW.:chillpill: I know we're to pick and choose. I have, in all fairness listed everything possible, and it's repeatedly said we can't do everything (I didn't type about the medieval feast that could be upcoming for which we make our own costumes) Bwhhhhhaaahahaha!


This IS everything except fine arts which is just laughable at this point.


So humor me, what did your rhetoric student do for this particular week???

(or if you can't remember, maybe you'd be willing to post what TOG work they're doing this week)

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Yes. :leaving:


This year he's not doing TOG literature because we are using Year 4 and Memoria Press has a great online class on 20th century literature so we went with that.


Our week begins on Friday so he can read on the weekend. We have government and philosophy discussion together on Wednesday, History discussion on Thursday, and for Years 2 & 3 we had literature discussion on Wednesday.


This was our schedule last year for year 3:


Edited by Karenciavo
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He is a good student. If my ds14 were home and doing the Year 2 rhetoric level I would probably drop the government and philosophy. You can also reduce the literature, have you seen that on the Loom or is it the Teaching Rhetoric Literature document?


Is there a bowing down in awe smiley? I knew it though. He must be one smart cookie. You too after doing all that work alongside of him.


No one else will answer now Karen, thanks! JK:tongue_smilie:

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Honestly? :tongue_smilie:


Up until recently, my R level daughter was doing the D level History & R level Lit readings...


After trying to wade through for 4 years -- with her in tears, Mom in tears, etc. and NEVER getting it all done, we have decided to try something else.


I came to the conclusion that she deserved a life -- one that didn't include "being chained to the desk" for the next 2 years.

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I did see it and we're just going with the schedule as is. It makes covering the literature topics a bit tricky moving stuff around then he/I end up missing something crucial and having to go back, kwim?


He actually can handle all the reading, it's the analysis that's getting us. I've used TOG four/five years now and am just u/standing that big old thing called the loom. I found a schedule of reading for loom docs broken down by weeks that really will help. Why I didn't see it before, who knows!


Last year we did gov't and philos on top of all else. This year we're just concentrating on history and lit. Next year I hope to add it back in.


He is doing ok. If not, I'd drastically cut back. He is learning a ton and we don't do every little analysis thing.


I just came to get some perspective on what TOG workload looks like for others. Thanks for your replies. Kiss that boy too, yeehaw you should be proud!

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My dd is in 9th and this is our first full year w/ TOG.

We are in Y3U2 and she is doing:


Literature-Rhet. -all of it, just as scheduled

Philosophy-Rhet-all as scheduled

History-Dialectic./slowly folding in Rhet. books


I just didn't feel we could jump into TOG with full-on Rhet. level, so since she loves Lit., this is the route I chose.


She will do Gov't during the summer.

She will do the Art over the following summer.


This is how I decided to break the schedule up. It is all so wonderful and I want to get the best possible use out of it all, and this is the easiest way for us.

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We're doing all the stuff but we're on year 3.


She does:

history core

History in depth

Government elective

Beginning level Literature

Art/Activities (as listed on reading assignments page)

Church History elective

Philosophy elective


All the reading and associated discussions. Maps, time line, quizzes. She also does the writing assignments. If it's on the student pages, she does that.


We don't do celebrations or projects.


What amazes me is that she still gets done around noon each day. Discussions vary by week. She lets me know what she's reading each day and if I also get the background reading for that day finished, we'll have those discussions that day. Like if today hadn't been so hairy, we could have had our philosophy, government and church history discussions. Government is always on Friday as we have to wait for my D student as well.

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Last year, when we did year 2, my dd(age 16 at the time) did everything you listed. However, my 14yo 9th grade ds skipped philosophy and government. Government took a lot of time for my dd; my ds couldn't have handled that load as a new Rhetoric student. We also only wrote answers to some questions. I would mark some Thinking Questions as "for discussion only".


This year we are in year 3 and the load is MUCH lighter. My ds (now 15) is able to follow the government thread in depth and do philosophy as well.




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It is now my distinct pleasure to make you feel much better.


My dd17 is a very smart kid - well, at least I think so. She writes very well, has intelligent conversations about what we're studying, blah blah blah.


She also teaches ballet 4 afternoons a week, dances herself 3 nights/week, has a hefty piano practice schedule, works in children's ministry, and struggles with time management. She gets VERY overwhelmed with TOG, but we all LOVE it, so we plug on. Here's what she's doing this year. Keep in mind, she's a "junior" but it's our 4th year to have been counting h.s. credits - long story, September birthday, don't ask.


Here goes:


She is doing Government - 1/2 credit

Church History - 1/2 credit

Literature - 1 credit English with writing


for the actual "history", she either reads the teacher's notes or the dialectic level books, and sits in with my next two youngest for their Dialectic history discussion. I'm not really giving her a credit for this; she already has 3 history credits, which is 1 more than necessary for a diploma.


I wish she could do Philosophy. I wanted her to do Fine Arts, but that may wait until January when she's done with her Advanced Biology course.


Sometimes I worry about her work pace. And I wonder if some of her struggles are the noise/commotion/lack of focus with 4 younger siblings. But - it is what it is, kwim?


There, now dearie. Doncha feel better? ;)



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This is our 6th year with TOG, and my 15 yo ds' 2nd year with Rhetoric. We're on Y2. Here's what he does:


History (all)


Church history


with a co-op discussion on all of these for 3 hours on Fridays


Literature (pared down to the first suggested level) with a co-op discussion of 1 1/2 hours on the following Monday.


He does maps and timeline, but no evaluations. We try to get in all the writing assignments, but don't always get it done.


He's pretty busy, but this year is better than last -- he's getting used to it. :tongue_smilie:

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This is the first year we are doing TOG and only my oldest dd is using it. She is in 10th grade and doing the Rhetoric level. With the exception of geography (she did a full geography course last year) and the 'medieval feast' she is doing it all and she is really enjoying it. She tells me she is learning a lot. However she devours books, loves history, reads extra (including the encyclopedia), etc.


Next year when my ds is a freshman, I will have to put together a workable plan for him using Year 3, because I would just frustrate him if I asked him to do the same things she is doing. One of the joys of homeschooling!!!


Yvonne in NE

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My Rhetoric level dd is doing pretty much all the reading. We pick and choose writing assignments. When we can't do discussion, she reads the teacher notes.


HOWEVER....we slowed our pace from the beginning. We are taking 4 years to cover 3 years of TOG. I decided that learning the *disciplines* - thinking, analyzing lit., etc - was more important than just covering ground.


Most weeks, there is no way we could do it all in one week.


My dd is a busy pianist as well.

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