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ooooh! I sense a good story!


Do tell!


Hijack the thread and do tell!


LOL There's really no story and it's not a good one anyway. lol Just that I was supposed to bring breakfast to my ladies' Bible study and the gals all wanted waffles (I'm the only one in the group who cooks so they always want me to cook something when it's my turn to bring the food :p ) So at 7am I started making waffles and for some reason it was just a total disaster! The batter stuck to the waffle iron and it tore into two parts and was all stuck in all the nooks and crannies of the waffle iron! it was a mess!!! I unplugged it, poured a little bit of water onto the waffle iron and proceeded to scrape all that mess out. Took me an hour!! By the time the waffle iron was clean. I plugged it in again, made a fresh batch of batter, sprayed the non-stick spray on the iron, poured some batter into the waffle iron and shut it. SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN!! What a mess! It was then 8:30am and Bible study started at 9am! I made "emergency" pancakes and had two griddles going. Took the fastest shower probably of my life and ran out the door. I showed up at 9:30am to a bunch of hungry ladies who were wondering what was keeping the waffles. I told them of my waffle incident and that I had pancakes instead. They wound up loving the pancakes and wolfed them all down and were even fighting over the last one! lol One mom even paid me to make 2 dozen for her! It's so funny cooking for women who don't cook! You give them a home cooked meal and they go crazy over it as if it were gourmet or something. They're so funny! lol :p

Edited by Ibbygirl
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LOL There's really no story and it's not a good one anyway. lol Just that I was supposed to bring breakfast to my ladies' Bible study and the gals all wanted waffles (I'm the only one in the group who cooks so they always want me to cook something when it's my turn to bring the food :p ) So at 7am I started making waffles and for some reason it was just a total disaster! The batter stuck to the waffle iron and it tore into two parts and was all stuck in all the nooks and crannies of the waffle iron! it was a mess!!! I unplugged it, poured a little bit of water onto the waffle iron and proceeded to scrape all that mess out. Took me an hour!! By the time the waffle iron was clean. I plugged it in again, made a fresh batch of batter, sprayed the non-stick spray on the iron, poured some batter into the waffle iron and shut it. SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN!! What a mess! It was then 8:30am and Bible study started at 9am! I made "emergency" pancakes and had two griddles going. Took the fastest shower probably of my life and ran out the door. I showed up at 9:30am to a bunch of hungry ladies who were wondering what was keeping the waffles. I told them of my waffle incident and that I had pancakes instead. They wound up loving the pancakes and wolfed them all down and were even fighting over the last one! lol One mom even paid me to make 2 dozen for her! It's so funny cooking for women who don't cook! You give them a home cooked meal and they go crazy over it as if it were gourmet or something. They're so funny! lol :p


I wonder what happened?


That sounds so stressful!


I'm glad it worked out!

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LOL There's really no story and it's not a good one anyway. lol Just that I was supposed to bring breakfast to my ladies' Bible study and the gals all wanted waffles (I'm the only one in the group who cooks so they always want me to cook something when it's my turn to bring the food :p ) So at 7am I started making waffles and for some reason it was just a total disaster! The batter stuck to the waffle iron and it tore into two parts and was all stuck in all the nooks and crannies of the waffle iron! it was a mess!!! I unplugged it, poured a little bit of water onto the waffle iron and proceeded to scrape all that mess out. Took me an hour!! By the time the waffle iron was clean. I plugged it in again, made a fresh batch of batter, sprayed the non-stick spray on the iron, poured some batter into the waffle iron and shut it. SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN!! What a mess! It was then 8:30am and Bible study started at 9am! I made "emergency" pancakes and had two griddles going. Took the fastest shower probably of my life and ran out the door. I showed up at 9:30am to a bunch of hungry ladies who were wondering what was keeping the waffles. I told them of my waffle incident and that I had pancakes instead. They wound up loving the pancakes and wolfed them all down and were even fighting over the last one! lol One mom even paid me to make 2 dozen for her! It's so funny cooking for women who don't cook! You give them a home cooked meal and they go crazy over it as if it were gourmet or something. They're so funny! lol :p


That is funny! :D Some waffle irons have been known to be uncooperative. *wink* Bad waffle! ;-)

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So would I, Kerrie! They are pretty hard to get here too. Maybe you can buy it online these days, I haven't looked. We toured a quandong farm/orchard a couple of years ago up near Broken Hill and the chap said they can't make enough money to expand into the foodie markets of Melbourne and Sydney, but if they could expand there, they'd make plenty of money. A vicious circle, you see. The best quandong I had was a quandong tart up at the info centre in Broken Hill. It was so good, I've even thought of driving all the way back up there to buy another!




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