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How are you decorating this Halloween?

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We usually don't decorate (cuz I'm lazy) but this year ds9 wanted to, so on the advice of some others, I took him to the dollar store. We got some window clings, some blinking ghosts, 2 strings of orange lights, some rats and bats and spiders, and some of that web.


It is not very spooky, but we're pretending it is. Oh, we did get a garland of skeletons. ooOOOooooo


The fake web was a mistake. The dog and cat are stringing it all over the house, and the cat has a hard time getting it out of her mouth once she bites it. Of course, it does look "spookier" with the web strung from the window, to the door, up the hall and under the sofa.:tongue_smilie:


As for entertaining...my dc are still young. There will be no parties - just the traditional trick-o-treating and then pizza.


Have fun with your tweens! (I'd make them listen to Monster Mash all night :D)

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My dd is having her 13th b-day party on the 30th of October this year so we are going all out. Halloween is usually a big holiday for us but she is inviting about 50 tweens over so it will be a pretty big party. I am in charge of the planning commity:


Dh is in charge of food. He will be handling Hors d'Oeuvres, pizza drinks and desserts.


Teen musician friends will be handling all mood music and party music. We have a the haunted organ music in the library, a repeating dvd of old horror flicks in the office and a horror sounds dvd in the living room. All played very low at almost subliminal levels. He is setting up a sound system in the back yard to run mps players though. We are asking all the kids to bring their own and figure we will have hundreds of songs that way.


I will be handling lighting. We have three main upstairs windows. The two on either side of the house will have blue light bulbs. The one in the middle a strobe light. I am going to a flickering light at the front door, in the library and office. The aquarium will have a black light plus glow in the dark fish. Of course, there will be lights from the electric organ and dvd reel. In th living/dining room we will have all black lights - two lamps, overhead lights, an undershelf light and the chandelier. The fireplace will have a caldron full of green glowsticks with a fog machine blowing out from behind. The kitchen bar will be lined with carved and lighted pumpkins.


Teen dd is in charge of decorations. She has potions items and a skull for the office. A black Flower arrangment for entry table, black mantle items for the fireplace. A candelabra for the table in the hallway to the bathroom. Spiderwebs everywhere, many glowin the dark. The are stickers you attach to mirrors that make it look like ghosts coming out of the mirror. All of the picture frames are being cahnged to old scary looking pictures. There SHe has made some fun house mirrors and we have some halographic pictures. There wil be a hanged skeleton from the window with the strobe light and ghosts from the ones with blue lights. There is a raven on the front porch like and scarecrows on the porch. I have lots of small orange nightlights to put along the flooring.


And finaly we are all contributing to the main party which will take place in the back yard. We will have a small fire. Plenty of hay bales for people to sit on as well as 10 5 gallon bucket of water and a readily accessible water hose. Teens will be dressing in costume and most hand out in the back yard and listen to music and eat. We will do the cake, ice cream and gifts and then hopefully send them home.


I am sure we haven't thought of everything yet so it is still a work in progress so we will see as it goes.

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