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Ack, cupcake question!!!!!

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I'm kind of new at cooking, but when I make cupcakes I frost them after they're cooled, place them in a container I picked up at Wal-Mart, put on the lid, and leave them on the counter. Once I put cupcakes in the fridge, and I think they were still a little warm, because the bottom of each cupcake pushed upward from the center. They were edible, but not very pretty!


Hopefully, someone else will chime in....



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If you want the frosting to melt a little and have a glazed look on top, frost them while still warm (but not hot). Otherwise frost when cool - tonght or tomorrow doesn't really matter. Store on the counter. I cover because we have animals, but uncovered would be fine if you don't have a container and don't want to wait for the frosting to set up.

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Oh Rhonda, you had to tell me that the night before and leave me with nightmares, lol! Well I can put the whole container in the frig, but will it dry them out? They're from scratch, not a mix. Oh the joys, back and forth...


It's very humid here (still!), so that may have been part of the problem. This also was not homemade icing, so that may have contributed as well. I know my homemade icing tends to be stiffer.


That said... the cupcakes were just fine after being in the fridge overnight. I had some cake and a cupcake (ahem) and I don't remember any difference. As long as your container is well sealed, I don't see it as an issue.

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If they're not completely cool I'd leave them on the counter overnight. I'll often flip a towel over them. If you do put them in the fridge then covering them well, or putting them in some kind of container to keep the moisture in will be important. Good luck!

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Oh y'all are so funny with your disappearing cupcakes, hehe! I have to admit, they did sound like a reasonable breakfast (being grain and dairy, right?) when I came to the kitchen this morning, but I resisted. :) Yes Rhonda, it finally hit me that maybe you had a TX-related weather thing going on. I had to weigh crusty frosting (which I googled and found would happen) vs. falling frosting, and I decided to take my chances with the falling. The frosting is still on, so I think it turned out ok! So many things to consider, eh? This recipe was so easy, I think we'll have to try it again someday. But I fear they're not figure-friendly, being more like a little cake with your frosting. But maybe that's the point? :)


Thanks again!!

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