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Staying Up?


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Hey there, Ibbygirl!


Tonygirl, I'm not up late. It's 8:45 here! :001_smile:


Hey Megan. :) You're up late doing research too I see. :p ;) Actually, I have 5 other windows open trying to decide on a new pair of shoes. The strap broke on my everyday sandals yesterday. :glare:

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a few of mine are starting to:glare:


Tony, I just read your signature line. Goodness gracious you have your work cut out for you. Did you adopt or all of those precious children yours?? I have 2 with special needs myself, but they're both mine. :)


sorry for the slight hijack. Back to your regularly scheduled thread. :D

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Hey Megan. :) You're up late doing research too I see. :p ;) Actually, I have 5 other windows open trying to decide on a new pair of shoes. The strap broke on my everyday sandals yesterday. :glare:


And sandals are an absolute essential!!!! in south Florida. Hope you find some comfy ones. :001_smile:

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Tony, I just read your signature line. Goodness gracious you have your work cut out for you. Did you adopt or all of those precious children yours?? I have 2 with special needs myself, but they're both mine. :)


sorry for the slight hijack. Back to your regularly scheduled thread. :D



Nope their mine:lol:

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8:45 am. I'm in the UK, but we're getting ready right now for a trip back to the States. Final packing, then drive to London for the night, and fly out tomorrow morning. I'm so excited! :hurray:


Yes sandals definitely are! I wear them year round even in winter! :D Oh that's so cool you're coming home!! Are you coming here to So Fla?




Nope their mine:lol:


Wow!! What are the odds?? My kids' pediatrician always tells me that I hit the lotto when she sees my kids, but you... you really DID hit the lotto! My dd is Asperger's/ADHD and OCD and my son is severely Autistic, but you take the cake mama! I can only imagine how full your days are. I know mine last well into the night... like now. :p hehe

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Yes sandals definitely are! I wear them year round even in winter! :D Oh that's so cool you're coming home!! Are you coming here to So Fla?






Wow!! What are the odds?? My kids' pediatrician always tells me that I hit the lotto when she sees my kids, but you... you really DID hit the lotto! My dd is Asperger's/ADHD and OCD and my son is severely Autistic, but you take the cake mama! I can only imagine how full your days are. I know mine last well into the night... like now. :p hehe


mine are not severly autistic so i believe i will give you that one:D

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Yes sandals definitely are! I wear them year round even in winter! :D Oh that's so cool you're coming home!! Are you coming here to So Fla?


I used to wear them year round too. Now I wear big fluffy slippers year round because it's so cold! :lol:


I'm not going to make it to FL this time. I'll be visiting my parents in NC and enjoying the changing leaves! :thumbup:

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I used to wear them year round too. Now I wear big fluffy slippers year round because it's so cold! :lol:


I'm not going to make it to FL this time. I'll be visiting my parents in NC and enjoying the changing leaves! :thumbup:



OOOH lucky!!! My mom escaped up there too! She's in Hiawassee Georgia though. :) I love NC so much! I'd love to live there someday if I could learn to brave a real winter. Have a wonderful time. It's so good to go home, no? :grouphug:

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I'm up waaaaaay too late tonight because I'm ... working. Yes. I'm researching something for a client. ;)



Yes!! It's amazing how much research can be done late at night when nobody else is around. :D I researched myself some new guitar tuners last night in fact! ;) :p hehe

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I stay up ridiculously late at times for no reason. I'm not even productive during that time! I think I do it because I crave time to myself. It's one of the few times that the house is quiet and I'm sort of by myself. It's a bad habit, though, and I need to stop it.


From one Ronda in TX to another Rhonda in TX (LOL)....


This is me *exactly*. Sometimes I am productive, sometimes I am just "vegging" - depends on how the day went that day! It's a bad habit that I regret every morning when I don't roll out of bed until 9:00 (which means we don't start school until 11:00-12:00). But what do I do again the next night? Sigh.


I also agree with a PP about the DH thing - he does what he wants when he wants, but my "free" time doesn't seem right to take until all my other things are done, which is most often after 10:00 at night :(

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I stay up ridiculously late at times for no reason. I'm not even productive during that time! I think I do it because I crave time to myself. It's one of the few times that the house is quiet and I'm sort of by myself. It's a bad habit, though, and I need to stop it.


:iagree: I am an introvert and recharge my batteries by time alone, whether it's on the computer (not as good), reading, watching tv, working around the house...whatever I can get!


With three boys 10, 7 and 3 time alone is impossible to get during the day - I can't even go to the bathroom with any expectation of not being interrupted by a booboo or just curious 3 year old who wants to be close.


I sometimes stay up until 2am but it make getting up at 8am pretty tough, especially if I do it too many days in a row. I'm working on finding balance here.

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I stay up ridiculously late at times for no reason. I'm not even productive during that time! I think I do it because I crave time to myself. It's one of the few times that the house is quiet and I'm sort of by myself. It's a bad habit, though, and I need to stop it.


I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. It's much easier to vow to stop doing it when I'm dragging at 8 or 9 AM. Much harder to remember what the big deal is when I hit my "groove" around midnight. :glare: Gotta retrain that body clock. I come by it honestly, though--my dad is just as bad. DS3 seems to have inherited the night owl gene tool.

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From one Ronda in TX to another Rhonda in TX (LOL)....


This is me *exactly*. Sometimes I am productive, sometimes I am just "vegging" - depends on how the day went that day! It's a bad habit that I regret every morning when I don't roll out of bed until 9:00 (which means we don't start school until 11:00-12:00). But what do I do again the next night? Sigh.


I also agree with a PP about the DH thing - he does what he wants when he wants, but my "free" time doesn't seem right to take until all my other things are done, which is most often after 10:00 at night :(


Oh you just explained me!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cursing:


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LOL! I thought I was the only one who used the "research" excuse!! :lol:


You'd think I'd have a PhD by now!!! ;)


lol I am in the same boat with you other gals too. I stay up too late to have some quiet time and replenish my sanity although sometimes I am staying up just trying to catch up with the dishes/ironing/laundry etc work of the day that needs to be done. I know I should sleep more (especially when that alarm goes off at 6am to get my son up for school), but sometimes you just gotta stay up late to get sufficient quiet time to calm the nerves from the day, dontcha? ;) :D

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