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Does anyone know how military academies view Homeschooled applicants?

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My son has a definite interest in the Air Force. Was curious about the AF Academy. Was interested in whether they take homeschooled kids, or since he is approaching 9th grade - would high school (away from home) be a better option. This is being asked, knowing how difficult it is to get acceptance into said academy.

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West Point does not include the interview in the formal process of applying to the academy.


West Point has been doing interviews (of everyone) in the formal process of applying to the academy for at least the last 25 years.


I've not found anything required of home-schoolers that is not required of everyone else. If anything, they are more accommodating (ps applicants must send a letter of reference from a math and English teacher - home-school applicants can use letters from coaches, scout leaders, bosses, etc)


Things to watch for are:


Assign real grades (They want a GPA.)

Take two years of a modern language (Latin doesn't count.)

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Hey Margaret- great info---is your daughter going to be a Navy Pilot? This is her last year right? Or if not a pilot-what are her other jobs she's considering?


Back to the original question- Cafi Cohen's first Book-- of Homeschooling High school or something similar--really discusses the AFA as that's what her son wanted to do. He's long out of the academy and flying those big jets now, I think, so the book is a little old, but still worthwhile.


Check out the college board section in this forum as they are discussing interviews and specifically are mentioning the SA's.


As far as the recommendations- we found that you do have to find some science or math /teachers/administrators rec's --and that's one of the most difficult parts. She was taking one class at the high school (chemistry) so that worked for a recommender as far as they were concerned.(he really had only known her for less than 2 months, though) However as the rec's have to be done by early fall or before--it wouldn't hurt to get these people lined up in advance.


As far as any particular organizations to belong to--just check it out yourself as some national groups have local winners and others that aren't so great. Don't join a group to have it look good--join a group that has quality leadership, and a lively curriculum that is interesting that you'll want to stay with.

Lastly- my dd thoroughly enjoyed her time at the AFA, loved the languages and got to pick her own major/minor, and job, and then location for her first job. She loves her job (not a pilot) and loves the area. She realizes she is fortunate to make enough that she can afford to live on her own if she wants to!

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When my husband went to college he was in the Officers' Candidate School program. Of course, he didn't go to an academy. Incidentally, he was a Marine Corps Pilot and flew F-18's. He was one of the instructors that trained the first woman fighter pilot. Another interesting flying woman Marine trivia fact - Sarah Deal - the first woman pilot (Marines) went to my high school and we were friends. Funny.

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He is a life scout - will probably make Eagle in the next year. Yeah!!


Anyone know what a double legacy to Daughters of the American Revolution will get you? I was thinking a child of the DAR, with a military officer dad, and a child that wants to be in the military ought to amount to something. (scholarship-wise, entrance wise) Thanks.

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DH has been active for 10 and is currently in the reserves! That sounds awesome. I know this is probably early to plan (he's in 8th), but I want to know where we are going and the best path to get there. Heck, if we set our sights on a military academy, our standards will be high enough, even if he changes his mind (or doesn't get in - which would probably be more likely), that we should be able to get in LOTS of places! Thanks for all the input.

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