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dd's bus driver in trouble with police for picking her up in front of house

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ok, I thought everything was finally working out with the bus. Dd has a nice bus driver who seeing that I drive her to the bus stop every morning (due to the problems with her knee and she is wearing a knee brace, the problem isn't the walk so much as the heavy load of books she would have to carry) anyway, the bus driver said he would pick her up in front of our house since he drives right by our house on the way to the stop and there are no other kids at the stop . Well, the police called the owner of the bus company and yelled at him for his driver picking up at an undesinated stop!!! ant the owner called the poor driver and yelled at him. He is now on "warning" not to stop anywhere except at official bus stops. So now, on the many, many horrible rain downpour days that we have, he can not drop kids off at their houses (even if he drives right by their house) and the stops are quite a ways away so the kids will have to walk in the downpour or snow storms, which we have hardly any year round residents between us and the bus stop so the sidewalks don't ge plowed so dd would have to walk down the middle of the street to get to the stop whenever we have snow (as we sometimes get lots of snow).


Well, of course I will continue to drive her to the bus stop and pick her up as I watch the bus drive right by my house. I guess what really bugs me is that "the police have nothing better to do than worry about nice bus drivers trying to take extra care of their students). And how did the police even know about the driver stopping in front of our house, a neighbor had to have called, what a busybody neighbor I must have somewhere on my long block.


Anyway, I thanked the driver this morning for attempting to do a nice thing and sorry that he got into trouble, he said he had tried to do the decent thing and gets into trouble and then threw his hands up at how stupid the whole thing is.

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Wow! That is stupid! Can't they just make her stop a designated stop?? With her wearing knee braces I'm sure you can make a case for it. My ds is Autistic and he rides the bus to school and they come pick him up in front of the house. I would see if you can get a stop for designated for her especially as it is right on the route. Why not? So sorry you're having to deal with bureaucratic stupidity. :(

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dd is seeing her sports doctor tomorrow for her knees. He writes her notes to get excused from gym class, but I don't know what he would say about the bus. He actually wants her to walk for exercise. It is not the walk to the bus stop that bothers her but carrying all her books is hard for her. One problem is that my dd goes to the county vo-tech but our local school has to provide for the bus and they have made this whole situation difficult for us from the beginning. The local school hates that any of the kids would chose the vo-tech school over the "wonderful"( not ) local high school and are very difficult to work with.

As an aside, in the township over the bridge from us, the school budget was voted down so in revenge, the school decided that the buses would no longer go to any of the neighborhood streets but that all students have to wait on the shoulders of the VERY busiest county road that runs all the way thru our county and the traffic is horrible and FAST. Even the primary kids have to wait on this county road and the school changed their pick-up times to around 9:00 so parents are having to go to work and leave their small kids waiting on the BUSIEST road in the county. Of course, there have been many protests by the parents but nothing has changed. Dh said that wait until the first tragedy happens (traffic just whizzes by on that road). ANyway, that is just the mentality of the schools around here and is why dd does not go to the local school.

Sorry to be venting so much. At least the vo-tech school that dd goes to is great but they have nothing to do with bus transportation, too bad.

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Don't feel you have to apologize! I really feel for you!


So much for education being "for the children," right?


I read an article on AOL about a mom who watches a few neighbors/friends' kids for an hour before school so they don't have wait for the bus alone. The dept. in her state that regulates home daycares called her & threaten her with legal action! This wonderful (IMHO) woman was doing this for free as a favor!


Those book bags are brutally heavy. The only thing that saves my son is that the books are lighter than his goalie equipment. :lol:

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Cadam, rolling bookbags are not allowed. Dd agrees with that policy, she says the halls are so crowded that kids would probably trip over them. The 2nd day of school a boy tripped over dd's knee brace. The other day, dd's class was visiting the senior pre-engineering class and this (according to dd, very cute senior boy) came up to her and said "Sorry about tripping over you on the 2nd day"). I told dd, "Stay away from cute senior boy, you little freshman girl, you". But then again, he is pre-engineering!! lol, just kidding.

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ok, I thought everything was finally working out with the bus. Dd has a nice bus driver who seeing that I drive her to the bus stop every morning (due to the problems with her knee and she is wearing a knee brace, the problem isn't the walk so much as the heavy load of books she would have to carry) anyway, the bus driver said he would pick her up in front of our house since he drives right by our house on the way to the stop and there are no other kids at the stop . Well, the police called the owner of the bus company and yelled at him for his driver picking up at an undesinated stop!!! ant the owner called the poor driver and yelled at him. He is now on "warning" not to stop anywhere except at official bus stops. So now, on the many, many horrible rain downpour days that we have, he can not drop kids off at their houses (even if he drives right by their house) and the stops are quite a ways away so the kids will have to walk in the downpour or snow storms, which we have hardly any year round residents between us and the bus stop so the sidewalks don't ge plowed so dd would have to walk down the middle of the street to get to the stop whenever we have snow (as we sometimes get lots of snow).


Well, of course I will continue to drive her to the bus stop and pick her up as I watch the bus drive right by my house. I guess what really bugs me is that "the police have nothing better to do than worry about nice bus drivers trying to take extra care of their students). And how did the police even know about the driver stopping in front of our house, a neighbor had to have called, what a busybody neighbor I must have somewhere on my long block.


Anyway, I thanked the driver this morning for attempting to do a nice thing and sorry that he got into trouble, he said he had tried to do the decent thing and gets into trouble and then threw his hands up at how stupid the whole thing is.



Time to bring a box of donuts down to the bus co office.


Your stop can be moved, especially if he's going right by and whoever else the stop is originally planned for isn't going to use it...keep going up the ladder till you find a rational person or an elected official.


I love our bus drivers. They pick every walker up on their way in when the weather is frigid...hasty drivers too bad. You just know when a child is walking in from a half mile or more away when it's 15F and windy that the grinches need to crawl back in their hole. Hope your police cheif has a backbone.

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