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Freezing Cookies

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I'd like to get a head start on baking treats to give out at Christmas this year. The recipes in a Cookie magazine I have say that the cookies can be frozen for up to 1 month. Why not 2-3 months? If they are stored properly and protected from freezerburn they should be fine, shouldn't they? Has anyone here frozen cookies before? TIA

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How about freezing the dough? I make huge batches of (mostly) chocolate chip cookies, so a high-butter content cookie, preformed in balls. I place the balls on a cookie sheet until frozen, then transfer into ziplocks.


I think any drop cookie would do well this way, or even batches of sugar cookie dough.


I have a sugar cookie dough recipe that my family LOVES, and it freezes really well. I make the dough, then freeze it in a gallon size ziploc. I just put it in the fridge the night before I want to bake, then take the dough out the next day, roll, cut, and bake. The cookies turn out great. You know with rolled and cut sugar cookies, it's better to use the dough cold anyway, so the cookies hold their shape better.

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That's an easy and doable idea. So, do you just bake the frozen balls of dough a bit longer than you would bake non-frozen dough?


For frozen formed balls, I plop them right onto the cookie sheet and bake them frozen, about 2 minutes longer. I make sure to keep a close eye on the oven. The only hard part is keeping DH out of the frozen dough :)

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My mom & I did this one year & the cookies got kind of weird. The next year we froze balls of dough instead--that worked really well.


I would guess - though I am neither a food scientist or Alton Brown - that it's not so much the freezing as the thawing that makes already-baked cookies weird when you freeze / thaw them. The moisture in the air would condense on them (being all cold and whatnot) and then the sugar/flour would get all excited and suck it up...


Thanks for the idea, I think I'll whack together some cookie dough and freeze it! I already have bread dough rising and a tray of cut biscuits freezing. Seems like a good idea while the whole places is all floury! :D

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Oh yeah, last year I bought tubs of Pillsbury sugar cookie and choc. chip cookie dough that were stored in the freezer. I just scooped out balls of dough to bake them, after letting the tub sit on the counter for a little while.

I don't care for their sugar cookie dough though. It makes sense to freeze my own recipe- thanks for the idea.

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