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Last cup of coffee in the house...

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is dripping from my keyboard. :crying:


In the middle of typing a business email, wiggly 2yo climbs up.


Lost a new math game.


Lost 1 of my favorite earrings (it did turn up in the trash, but I had to dig thr a bag full of wet papertowels on top of bathrm trash to find it).


Lost 1/2 an hr of precious time.


Lost dry houseshoes.


Lost my temper.


Ok, actually my temper wasn't too bad. But I hurt her feelings when she had to leave my lap & my room.


I feel like I'm juggling & just lost it all. I feel like I look like a scarecrow all the time because I'm doing too much, & I feel like everybody thinks I *ought* to be doing more, & I'm just not so good at ignoring people, & I'm so frazzled, I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this cup of coffee. I'm very attached to my coffee, lol.

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At least you're only crying. I'd be huddled under my desk in the fetal position sobbing, and growling if anyone came too near.


Seriously, I need coffee. I don't do well without it. One of my first designs on cafepress was 'Dangerous When Decaffeinated'. I really ought to buy one of those shirts for myself....:D


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine no coffee. Life would not go well.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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No--I mean the last of the grounds. no coffee today unless I run to the store.


LOL--I hadn't realized what a caffeine addict I sounded like! :lol:


:glare:WHERE exactly do you sound like a caffeine addict? huh, where? I think you sound perfect well-adjusted, not addicted to anything!


So sorry this all happened -- I hear you!



IMP's comment: I'd be huddled under my desk in the fetal position sobbing, and growling if anyone came too near. Yup, Imp, that is a PLAN in my book - a plan with merit! HONESTLY! :D

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I'm thinking you handled things quite well. You found the earring and you only lost your temper a little bit...nicely done. A few good kisses, which will undoubtedly smell better without your coffee, will fix those hurt feelings.


Now, for the important things...a trip to the store for the next batch of coffee grinds. That's one thing you'd better get on today!:D

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