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This non-decorator needs some hand holding!!!

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We just moved into a new (to us) house 6 weeks ago. I'm really not into decorating/knick knacks, and don't ever intend my home to be of the Better Homes and Gardens ilk.


That being said, my old house had absolutely no style at all. It was rather bare, save for our books, clothes, dishes, and clutter. I want to make an honest attempt to do a little better at the new house.


Before putting our home on the market, we had a home stager come in and make a few changes. For several reasons not limited to the home staging, our house sold in only 3 days.


Last weekend, I invited this same gal over for an hour's worth of advice about decoring our new home. She started with a color palette based on some fixed items in the home (tile/wood floors, cabinets, kitchen countertops.) She came up with a fairly muted palette with lots of earthtones. There were obviously reds, blues, greens, etc... too, but they were more subdued tones.


She asked me my "style" and I was at a total loss. Over the weekend, I think I've figured out that I'm drawn to a country/colonial style. We're getting a new table and chairs (because we now have to seat 9 people since my folks moved in with us). The set is made from reclaimed pine, it's very rustic and made of long planks. The tabletop is brown and the legs and chairs are black. Does that say country/colonial?


Now for my biggest challenge/question. I have these gigantic walls in my living room (which the kithen overlooks). I think the ceilings are around 20 ft.high. I'm trying to use the decorator's 2/3 principle for filling up the wall space, and finding that I'm going to have to buy some honkin big stuff to fill that space. I was looking at wall tapestries, and considering this:


It's 52x72, and it would hang above the fireplace. So my questions...

Is this tacky? I want honest opinions.

Doesn't pineapple (hospitality symbol) communicate early American style?

Will this fit a country/colonial decor?



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congrats on the new home.


Think in layers -- the first place you need to start is with the color on the walls, then you can think about what to put on the walls.


You will have to decide the colors you would like to use - I would hold off for a little while on the big wall that needs to be taken care of -- while I was holding off, I would look through as many magazines as I could and find the look I wanted -- and copy it.


Then I would go back to color and paint, look around and see if there was anything you already owned that could be put into service with your plan, and then decide what you needed to acquire to complete the plan. Craigslist, Marshall's, HomeGoods, TJMaxx, EBAY are great places to look. If you find something you like, you can typically wait a little while and see if it gets marked down -- AND look at their clearance shelves -- items with the RED price stickers -- you will be amazed at what you will find. DON'T go shopping until you know what you are looking for -- or you will end up with a mish-mosh that doesn't work with your plan.


WHEN you have finished the first area you have tackled, you will know what your style is -- that's how it works if you've never done this before. And, the kitchen table and chairs that you mentioned, that is a great starting point when you look in magazine -- look for similar styles and colors. Walk through furniture stores (gosh, are there any left?) for ideas -- bring your camera or take pix with your phone -- you are not going to duplicate exaactly -- you are going to copy 'placement' (how many and where), color combinations, scale (big and small together).


First, however, make sure you have a plan or you will end up with stuff that does not work with your original plan. Buy LESS not MORE - you can always pick up something else - few of us stand in the RETURN line.


HTH :001_smile:

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I think it is pretty, not tacky. But I'm not so sure it goes with your theme... if you are wanting to stick to one. But, who ever said you have to stick to a theme?


My favorite place to shop for decorative things would be Hobby Lobby. They have beautiful framed art. Also, if you sign up for their e-mail list you get an e-mail that will tell you what is on sale that week. If you wait - you will easily get what you have your eye on for 50% off. Never buy anything there unless it is on sale, because it is only a matter of time until it is.


I don't really have a theme - but I have a 'feeling' in mind. I want my home to give guests a certain feeling, and if I see something that goes with that I get it! I have slowly accumulated all of my things, and though it's not 'matchy' it goes... Don't get too hung up on your theme, or being 'matchy'... Your space might end up looking like you bought a room in a bag or something.... hehe.


Anyways, have fun! Go with your feelings, don't over think it! If you like it and you think it goes - get it!


We'd love to see pics as well!

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If you google "what's my decorating style" you'll find lots of online quizzes, etc.


Also, if that's not your thing, go to B&N, get an armload of home magazines, park yourself in the coffee shop and peruse! Also, whenever you see a room, or piece of furniture, or color in a magazine you like, rip it out and put it in a file. Take your time with decorating; it's expensive to correct mistakes if you buy the wrong piece of furniture!


And, have fun!

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If you google "what's my decorating style" you'll find lots of online quizzes, etc.


Also, if that's not your thing, go to B&N, get an armload of home magazines, park yourself in the coffee shop and peruse! Also, whenever you see a room, or piece of furniture, or color in a magazine you like, rip it out and put it in a file. Take your time with decorating; it's expensive to correct mistakes if you buy the wrong piece of furniture!


And, have fun!


:iagree: I worked with a friend who is a decorator and she had me go through several magazine and make a collection of pictures that I liked for the kitchen, bedroom, family room and living room. She was helped me figure out a style based on my preferences. I included my dh in the process so that put the two of us on the same page.


I also wanted to mention that we own a pine Thomasville dining room set. I didn't realize that pine is a soft wood and our table is so scratched up. Make sure if you buy pine that is has a super finish on it. Ours didn't, (maybe because it was meant for formal dining) and it looks terrible.

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I love places like HomeGoods, TJ Maxx and Marshalls...they have unique decorations and great prices! That being said...I am one who knows what I like but I have a difficult time pulling it together. I have a love of the eclectic..antique...Pottery Barn style all mixed up! If I could afford a decorator or home shopper(that's what my mother-in-law hired and she did wonders in her home for only $50/hour) then I would go for that! They can take your style and they have more time to look for items and know the best places to look!

Good luck and congrats on new home!

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Thanks for all the replies so far!


Ferdie, yes, I was concerned about the pine, but I've been assured by several local furniture guys who use reclaimed pine (really, really old and hardened) that this variety is very durable. Also, though, I'm going for the distressed look, so it's not an ultra-smooth finish.


mommy2be, Yes, I want to go for that "feeling" too, but somehow, it never "feels" how I want. I had a small collection of stuff at my old place, but even when I bought an item I liked, it didn't seem to contribute to the overall aura of the place. I don't seem to be able to get it right, which is why I wanted to go with a more streamlined style. By the way, what style is the pineapple urn tapestry? I was thinking/guessing American colonial, because I read online that the pineapple was a common symbol of hospitality in the colonies. If it doesn't have that country/colonial look, what look is it? European?


SolaMichella, I agree about taking your time and the huge expense. I don't just want to start throwing pictures up on the wall without figuring out what I want to achieve with the whole look. I'll just end up right back where I was at my old house.


MariannNOVA, as far as the colors go, I think the walls are going to stay as they are for now. The expense of repainting is too great, considering we just bought this house. We don't have the time to do it ourselves (elderly parents just moved in with us, and the whole buying/selling process put us behind in school) and the paint's in pretty good condition. The current color is a neutral light beige color. I bet it'll be 3-5 years before we consider repainting. Also, your "less is more" attitude falls in line with my ideas, too. I don't want to buy a bunch of little "things" to go in my house. With these big walls, I'm trying to think big but simple. No time for dusting under/maintaining knick knacks. With 9 people plus a dog living here, our everyday stuff clutters things up too much already. If everyone leaves out just a couple of school books and a jacket, or a lunch plate and some folded laundry, the living room/kitchen area look like a disaster. There are just so many of us that a couple of things per person = total clutter. I'd rather make some dramatic improvements with fewer items than busy things up.

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mommy2be, Yes, I want to go for that "feeling" too, but somehow, it never "feels" how I want. I had a small collection of stuff at my old place, but even when I bought an item I liked, it didn't seem to contribute to the overall aura of the place. I don't seem to be able to get it right, which is why I wanted to go with a more streamlined style. By the way, what style is the pineapple urn tapestry? I was thinking/guessing American colonial, because I read online that the pineapple was a common symbol of hospitality in the colonies. If it doesn't have that country/colonial look, what look is it? European?


Yes, I was thinking it felt a little more European or something like that... I think I got hung up on the 'country' part more than the 'colonial'. But like I said - if you like it an it gives the feeling you're going for then get it! Don't get too hung up on the theme...


In my home I'm going for more of a 'world travel' type feel. I have a lot of things that are kind of Italian, and then I have some African type things as well... I love world maps and things that are unique. I have a lot of warm dark woods, earthy tones, iron scrollwork things, etc... So, nothing is matchy, but to me it all 'goes'.

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the paint's in pretty good condition. The current color is a neutral light beige color. I bet it'll be 3-5 years before we consider repainting.


Neutral light beige is a fabulous start! If I could wave a wand here (which is going to happen in a few weeks), everything would be neutral light beige.


I hear you about each person leaving out one item and it looks like a disaster -

the wall hanging is quite lovely -- go with that - make it your jumping off point.


The best piece of advice I can give you decorating-wise -- THINK BIG! Using something that is too small scale for an area will never work --So make certain the wall hanging is large enough not to get lost on the wall -- think sconces on either side of it - BIG sconces -- go for impact, not clutter.



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