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If I had an infected tooth, would I definitely know it?

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A few weeks ago I had a filling that was deeper than I realized, and then I was in excruciating pain for a few weeks afterward. The night before I was to call the dentist to be seen again, I clenched my teeth gently in trying to ease the pain, and the tooth went "POP!" It hurt horribly for a few more days, and then the pain eased off and was gone.


I was scheduled for a root canal but was diagnosed with strep that day and couldn't go. Since then, I've had no pain at all, but have had, off and on, a sort of weird, icky taste in my mouth. I'm paranoid that the tooth cracked (which I've been told it did, though they can't see the crack), and that I'm developing some kind of stealth infection.


Does that sound at all likely? If there was an infection developing, I'm thinking I'd be in at least some kind of discomfort, no? I've never dealt with this before, so I have no idea what to think. I'm still coughing more than I'm comfortable with to go in for the root canal, so I can't go in for them to check.


TIA for any advice (other than to get my rear in for the root canal)!

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Are you taking any meds for the strep? The antibiotics maybe keeping the infection at bay, but your body still is reacting to the wound, hence the ill-tasting fluid. Not all medications will work to totally clear both strep/tooth infection, so while the antibiotic will help, it may not completely clear it. If you are taking any medicine with pain meds in it, even if it is cold medicine, that can be masking the pain.



So, if you are on meds, yes you could easily have an infection and not realize it.


I also would wonder if you had an abscess that popped. It could be continuing to form and drain.


I wouldn't wait too long to get the root canal. Maybe the doctor can call in some stronger cough medicine for you while you get the procedure done.



Hope you feel better soon

Personally, I would call the dentist/endodontist and ask if the antibiotic you are taking would be a good choice for dental issues also. If they say no, you may want to see if they can add another antibiotic to what you are already taking or switch you to something that will take care of both. With you immune system being down already, I would worry more about your tooth than usual. Dental infections can get bad, Fast, and you don't want to mess around with them. I would talk to the dentist/endodontist and see what they have to say.

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I went to my family dr, then the dentist, then the family dr, trying to get a dx on a one-sided sore throat. I took antibiotics off and on for a couple months. Xrays did not show anything wrong with my teeth. Finally, the infection got bad and my tooth abcessed. By the time it did that, the tooth had to be pulled.


So, yes, the bad taste could be from your tooth. Your symptoms are similar to what I went through. I'd get to your dentist ASAP.

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Well, I certainly don't want to alarm you but that sounds like an infected puss pocket (abscess).


Usually they hurt hurt hurt like the dickens and once they pop and begin to drain they feel much much better. That yucky taste in your mouth is probably the fluid draining from the abscess.


Unfortunately, just because the abscess pops, doesn't mean it's healed. It can be highly infected . . . and I don't even want to tell you how bad an untreated infected tooth can be.


I waited a loooooonnnnnnnggggggg time for an infected tooth once and almost died from it. I had a dentist literally lecture me like a disobedient child right in front for all the world to see.


After the extremely painful surgery that had to be done on my mouth and the misery I put my family through having to take care of the house, the homeschooling, and mothering for over a month afterwords . . . I'd never neglect getting dental care again. Ever!

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Oh I feel for you I just had a molar crack and it was excruciating!!Then it was extracted...bliss. Until I developed a salivary stone from not eating . Please drink lots of water and get meds. You could lose the tooth ,if it is cracked they might need to extract it. I recently had another tooth extracted for bridge work . Guess what I am getting for my 44th bday??Crowns and a bridge. Yay!! At least my dentist is a sweet man who cares about doing a great job and not causing pain if at all possible.

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OK, you're all seriously freaking me out! I know I need to get back to the dentist, but I'm afraid to go have laughing gas with cold meds in my system :( I guess I really have no choice all the way around, huh?


I'm actually not on abx anymore, and haven't been for awhile. I took them for a week for strep, was then sick another week or so (I think swine flu, but wasn't tested) before being diagnosed with bronchitis after all of that and having another week of abx. It's been about three weeks since then, and I haven't gone in because this annoying post-nasal drip is making me cough at the most inopportune times, and I just couldn't imagine having a root canal that way. But I'll call first thing Monday morning.


I don't think I had an abscess originally. I had no pain at all and didn't even know I had a cavity there until the dentist told me. It was only after she filled it that I felt pain--immediately after. The dentist did something where she built out the space between my real tooth and the crown next to it (there was too much space, so food kept getting trapped and made a cavity). I swear that she made the thing too tight, because the pain was in my gum, two teeth away, like they were being pushed out of alignment. After the crack, that pain point was completely relieved. I don't recall tasting anything bad then or noticing any kind of drainage. My mom thinks the pain I had was the root dying off, and it doesn't hurt anymore for that reason, but that I still need the tooth out (which stinks, since insurance doesn't cover extraction :glare:).


I'll call Monday morning. I will. Thankfully I have no pain or discomfort at all in the meantime, at least!


Thank you all!

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Okay, with the new information I have a second idea for you. I had a dentist's assistant 'overfill' a cavity once. I didn't realize the assistant was going to be doing the filling and only found out while she was doing it. :glare: I have had a lot of dental work, including something like 5 root canals, and I never had pain until this. The filling material wasn't high on the surface of the tooth, but on the inside of the tooth. The dentist immediately knew the cause upon inspection/history. I really had to just wait it out. I took a lot of naproxen (Aleve) and it took a week or two. Then the pain went away.


The bad taste in your mouth may be from an untreated sinus infection. If you didn't get better after the first course of antibiotics, it is possible the lingering feeling of illness is caused by this. You may want to talk to the nurse at the doctors office and see if that is possibility.


No matter what it is, I hope you feel much better soon :001_smile:

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