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Question for R & S English users....


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How important do you think the 3rd grade book is? I like the idea of using the entire series. I am tired of switching curriculums, only to discover that there are holes or gaps that need to be filled in.


I know I will be using R & S from 4th up...but, I do not own the 3rd level. I am considering getting the 3rd grade for my 8 & 9 yo. (My 8yo is technically 2nd grade...and my 9yo is 3rd) I want to teach them together for English if possible. So, I am trying to find the happy medium for both. :)


I own FLL 1/2 and FLL 3. I haven't used them yet. I was trying to decide if I should just use FLL 3 or go with R&S 3. I have only seen samples of R&S 3, but it looks like what they cover is more age appropriate...not as involved as FLL3 (Predicate nominatives, etc.)


What would you do?

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How important do you think the 3rd grade book is? I like the idea of using the entire series. I am tired of switching curriculums, only to discover that there are holes or gaps that need to be filled in.


I know I will be using R & S from 4th up...but, I do not own the 3rd level. I am considering getting the 3rd grade for my 8 & 9 yo. (My 8yo is technically 2nd grade...and my 9yo is 3rd) I want to teach them together for English if possible. So, I am trying to find the happy medium for both. :)


I own FLL 1/2 and FLL 3. I haven't used them yet. I was trying to decide if I should just use FLL 3 or go with R&S 3. I have only seen samples of R&S 3, but it looks like what they cover is more age appropriate...not as involved as FLL3 (Predicate nominatives, etc.)


What would you do?


I would get the level 3 book to use with both your 8yo & 9yo.


We started using the R&S English with the level 3 book when my DS was 8.


Hope that helps! :)

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How important do you think the 3rd grade book is? I like the idea of using the entire series. I am tired of switching curriculums, only to discover that there are holes or gaps that need to be filled in.


I know I will be using R & S from 4th up...but, I do not own the 3rd level. I am considering getting the 3rd grade for my 8 & 9 yo. (My 8yo is technically 2nd grade...and my 9yo is 3rd) I want to teach them together for English if possible. So, I am trying to find the happy medium for both. :)


I own FLL 1/2 and FLL 3. I haven't used them yet. I was trying to decide if I should just use FLL 3 or go with R&S 3. I have only seen samples of R&S 3, but it looks like what they cover is more age appropriate...not as involved as FLL3 (Predicate nominatives, etc.)


What would you do?


But you could just use what you have and then go to R&S English 4. I did R&S E. 3 with both my dc BUT we didn't finish the book; 4 & up are important to finish.

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I'm actually interested in hearing the answer to this as well. Also, I hear R&S is more advanced than other programs... if you do not start off with it in the 1st grade, is it difficult to transfer into?



R&S doesn't have a 1st grade level to their grammar. The first book is the 2nd grade book. I don't know how hard it is to transition into because I used it from the beginning with dd. With ds I am starting him out on FLL1 and going into R&S when I feel he is ready for more writing. R&S 2 assumes no prior grammar instruction.

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What would you do?


Please don't send the R&S English police after me, but I don't start R&S until the 4th grade. I used other grammar programs before R&S with my older children but they were so ineffective, now I simply use copywork and dictation through 3rd grade and add in some extra grammar memory work here and there.


If you already have R&S English 4, you know what information it would be helpful for your children to know before entering 4th grade. Work on these skills in other ways. For example, spend a couple weeks having them write out the forms of "be" as their copywork. Spend a few weeks having them write out the eight parts of speech and their definitions. Play games with the parts of speech: place words on index cards and have them put them in the proper pocket (adjective pocket, noun pocket, etc.). (Library pockets work great for this activity.)



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I believe with the PP that it is about a year ahead of most.

Were coming off of Abeka K-2, but we are using R&S this year and we had to start with R&S 2 because 2 is the same as working on Abeka 3.

R&S 3 would have been way to hard and she would of had gaps. Now, she won't.

I really like R&S so far, it is so easy to use and really makes sence for Dd 8. It is also very biblical and I feel like were getting our bible time for the day as well. I'm also using the phonics and spelling as well. The spelling 3 is way to easy for her right now so we'll see how it goes.

Not sure how we will feel down the road about the English when I hear the diagramming in R&S is pretty intence. YIKES, I never learned that growing up!


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If you already have R&S English 4, you know what information it would be helpful for your children to know before entering 4th grade. Work on these skills in other ways. For example, spend a couple weeks having them write out the forms of "be" as their copywork. Spend a few weeks having them write out the eight parts of speech and their definitions. Play games with the parts of speech: place words on index cards and have them put them in the proper pocket (adjective pocket, noun pocket, etc.). (Library pockets work great for this activity.)




Great advice! Thanks!!!

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