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CLE Math...I definitely made the right choice! :-)

Melissa in CA

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My son informed me this afternoon that, even though CLE's math takes him longer to complete each day, he really likes it.:D He said that he is finally understanding fractions, and ALL the different concepts are sinking in to his long-term memory bank. Ambrosia to this mothers ears! ;)


Basically, the constant review is helping him immensely and is building up his math confidence. For example, very, very rarely does he make mistakes with fractions anymore. He understands them, what to do with them, how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide them...as well as switch them from decimal form and back again, etc. All without help from ME! He's tickled pink.


I, on the other hand, personally do NOT like CLEs TM. It's basically of no use to me, and I fear greatly that a time will come when the workbook does not explain clearly enough for him, and I will have nothing to help me explain with any detail or depth. I'll keep plugging along though and hope that that day does not shine. :001_smile:

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Yay! That's great news (for your ds anyway)! I have 2 dc doing CLE math and we love it! It's only first grade so far but it's the one choice of all subjects I'm super happy with. :001_smile:

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Well good!! Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!


How long does CLE last? Will you need something else for next year?


I know! Yay!! What a relief.


Do you mean as in how long per day, or how far in grade levels does it go?


As for day...it takes him a good hour, sometimes more depending on the material covered. This is my slow-n-steady-wins-the-race guy at math though. He's just very pokey when it comes to math computation. Perhaps as he gets more confident he'll get faster? :confused:


I already have BJU's Pre-Alg on DVD for next year, but if this year goes well I may either use CLE's 8th grade math, or perhaps a combo of both. I'm a tad leary in using CLE for pre-alg and alg though...the TM is quite sparse for my tastes. It's not at all meaty like BJU's TMs.


I know CLE has 8th grade math...which is pre-alg (but there is quite a bit of pre-alg in the 6th and 7th grade books as well), and I think they have a 9th grade Alg course...I think. Beyond that, I'm clueless. I am NOT good at algebra though, so I will more than likely need video instruction. I have all of the BJU high school maths on DVD, as well as Chalkdust's beginning and intermediate alg. Now whether those will fit my ds's learning style remains to be seen. :tongue_smilie:

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Well the beauty of CLE is it's so cheap you can keep going until it stops working. You could go ahead on into the 8, use it as pre-algebra, start into their algebra, and go back to BJU later if it STOPS working. I wouldn't switch when it's working...


Yes. I'll have to reevaluate at the end of the year...see how he progresses. :-) So far he's still working on selected sections of the 6th grade units. So, nothing earth-shatteringly new yet. I'm curious to see how things go when we move into the 7th grade books though, and they throw some of the harder stuff at him.


As you know, I wanted this year to get him solid on the basics. It looks like CLE is going to help us tremendously in that area and it appears perfect for our needs at this point and time. But, yep, I wonder how he'll do when new, never-before-seen concepts are introduced. I think that will be the true test. ;)

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I remember the thread where you were looking for something other than BJU Fundamentals for 7th grade, but I don't remember why. Was it Mrs Sedivy (sp?) the dvd teacher that turned you off? I have heard thru the grapevine that the class is being re-recorded with Mr Harmon for next year and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I know you do a lot of BJU and was wondering why this particular class didn't work.


Hi Shari, :seeya:


If you look at the thread I linked for Lovedtodeath (post #6) you'll see my reasons. ;) Nothing at all to do with BJU, everything to do with me.


If Mr. Harmon, teaching Math 7, was available, then I probably would have leased his class on DVD this year. I did not record the 1st edition class with Mrs. Sedivy. My ds found her very annoying, and I honestly thought I could teach it myself. :confused: I decided to go with the new 2nd ed. Fundamentals....and WOW! What a difference from the 1st and the 2nd. It's like night and day. It's going to be an amazing class with Mr. Harmon!! So, though we won't personally get to use it, I pray the rumors you have heard are true. :D

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I am debating using this after Christmas, when my son will finish up the Keys to Fractions, Decimals and Percents. But I am stuck on whether to move into CLE 7th or 8th... My son is in the 7th grade.. thanks for telling about your experience, it is swaying me towards CLE


Well, I think regardless of which level you purchase, your ds may have some gaps you'll need to fill. I have had a few I've needed to fill with my ds. Nothing major yet, just a few concepts CLE expects my ds to know, that BJU had not quite brought fully to the table. Every math program seems to have a different scope and sequence.


IMHO, CLE seems pretty advanced. What math/grade level did your ds use before the Key To... books? I suggest you get the placement test that CLE provides and go with what it tells you. My son tested right on the border of Levels 600 & 700. I already had 600, so I went through the units and marked the lessons I felt he needed under his belt before starting 700. We'll start 700 sometime within the next month or two. :001_smile:

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