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IEW....How do you schedule it in your homeschool?


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My daughter, in 5th grade, is starting IEW this year. She has had a writing tudor for about 8 months but otherwise she has only done narrations, copywork, and dictation with me. She seems to want to write and is average at it....her hesitation comes from wanting to be perfect at it and having a mom with little to no writing skills to pass on.


Let's just say I am willing to buy anything. So far I have (in my hands or ordered and on the way)....



A Word Write Now,

All Things Fun and Facinating,

and, I am embarrased to say, every single source book they have on download for every single unit. :001_huh:

(and another free download that I do not know the name of :tongue_smilie: for SWI A with a schedule of sorts)


Did I say I was willing to buy anything.....


So, where is the best place to start and how does one progress through this maze? I have looked at it on and off for a while but not gotten too far into it. I have watched most of the DVD's. We have done the outlining and started the idea of dress ups but we have not covered all of them. My new order was an attempt to fill in the peices I am missing to do this well.


I feel a bit lost in a sea of gold. I know this is a great program and I am certain that my daughter will get it once we start blazing through it but I'm not sure how to schedule it well. Is there a schedule somewhere that I am missing?


Any help would be appreciated!


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My 6th grader just started IEW SWI-B. We are working VERY slowly because he is not fond of writing and I am very stressed about teaching it. There is a wealth of help and information at the IEW yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEWfamilies/ . If you join the group you can find a suggested course schedule located at Files/SWI Help/SWI-A Stuff.


Hope this helps!





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My kids are 8 & 9 (3rd & 4th grade) and we're working through it slowly. We work for about 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week. We do about half of a lesson a day on average. We've been watching SWI-A and methodically taking it step by step. It took a couple weeks to fall into a rhythm but we're on week 3 and it's getting easier.

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We use IEW for about 30-60 minutes a day. Once we finished the SWI-A, we moved on to the Ancient History-based lessons.


Just ordered the Medieval History-Based lessons and will start those soon. Plan to pick up and progress through the SICCs eventually.


We have a handful of subjects we do every day - writing is one of them. We don't use any kind of schedule. We just keep on consistently practicing it.


There is good info available on the Yahoo group for IEW. The group has various schedules available, if you need them. There are many members there who can help you navigate through the numerous available materials.


My son does his outlines and notes by hand, but he does all his writing and revision on the computer. Letting him write on the computer speeds things up and removes a lot of distress - he too wants to be perfect at everything, which can cause a great deal of frustration when writing longhand.

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My 6th grader just started IEW SWI-B. We are working VERY slowly because he is not fond of writing and I am very stressed about teaching it. There is a wealth of help and information at the IEW yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEWfamilies/ . If you join the group you can find a suggested course schedule located at Files/SWI Help/SWI-A Stuff.




In the Files section of the Yahoo group, there are both full year and half year schedules for using all the SWI's.

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I am doing SWI A with a very very reluctant almost 9 year old boy. Our schedule looks like:


Monday: read the paragraph and underline the words for the Key Word Outline

Tuesday: create the Key Word Outline

Wednesday: write a paragraph using the Key Word Outline

Thursday: revise the paragraph making sure to have a "which"

Friday: create final copy of the paragraph


We are at the very beginning of SWI A, this week he is doing Tarantulas. The best part is that he doesn't hate writing. He thinks it is boring and hard, but it isn't impossible. And all writing (including the Key Word Outline) is done on the computer. No handwriting for writing. We do penmanship in other ways.

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I knew you ladies would be helpful!


I signed up for the yahoo group and I will look closely at the posts this weekend....Thanks!


Jenne, your schedule looks doable for me. I like it. I'm thinking that it might take her about 20-30 minutes each day. That is not too bad for a fifth grader that is not naturally drawn to writing. Is it? Just re-planning our day now to fit it in.


Thank you! If anyone else has ideas I'd be grateful. :001_smile:


ETA: For those following me, this site was very helpful as well. http://www.wallsofbooks.com/2007/07/planning-year-of-iew-complicated.html

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