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Question: What are you / your kids doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?


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We've been going for a walk before we start school work this year and it's working out really well. We get a little fresh air and sunshine, a little exercise, work out some of our wiggliness before we sit down to do school, and get away from the siren call of toys and electronics for a little while before we have to actually think. I'm not sure what we'll do when the weather turns bad, maybe some indoor exercisey stuff or play a game together. But I AM going to make sure we all have good cold weather gear this year so we can still go out on days it isn't actually blizzarding. I'm also having them do a little journalling this year and our walks give them something to write about. For example, today we saw horses, picked up some of the leaves that are just starting to fall, and dd caught a grasshopper. She was going to bring it home and keep it for a pet, but it bit her--hard enough to leave marks for a while, but not to break the skin--and she decided it would NOT make a good pet after all. They both wrote about that. Dd also taped a leaf in (which we pressed in the microwave) and a photo she took of the horses (I have a little backpack that I take with us which holds a camera, paper and crayons for rubbings or drawing, and small plastic bags to hold any specimins they collect for their journals). Ds and I had a nice talk about anxiety management as we strolled along today. It's just really been a good way to start our days.

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Transition? There is no transition. I wake up on a mission, one mission, to do school work. If I get on the computer, start sewing, turn on the tv, or anything else, it distracts me and *I* get lost in lala land, not getting us anywhere. So early up, chores, eat, and hit the books! And when I really mean business, I turn off the computer the night before. Like I said, the main issue with getting us going is *me*, not dd. Know thyself and take drastic measures. :)


BTW, it was not always this way. When dd was young and an only, I would let her read for an hour first, etc. Now we have the baby to keep with somewhat of a routine and a whole bunch more subjects and things to get done, so I'm pretty draconian, as you can tell.

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The kids are asleep and I am preparing the snack tray for the day.


I wake them at 8 and they come down for breakfast. During breakfast we do our Bible study and memory work. Then we all break and do chores, then come back for the 3 R's.


As for how we transition, I wake them up (or send the 2 year old to do it, she loves that job!) and they come down and make their breakfast plate. No real transitioning to it. I do generally read from the Bible to them first off, so they can listen quietly and not have to get drilled right off the bat, though.

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How old are your kids?

What are they doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

What are YOU doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

Share with me :)


8 and 2


Eating, brushing, teeth, watching endless spongebob shows; probably all of the above:001_huh:


Working, trying to push through to clear some time to get started with the real business of the day. I'm lucky enough to work around the time I'm working with my son. How cool is that!:001_smile:

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I am usually chatting online with my friend and drinking coffee. The kids are usually playing on the computer or playing in their rooms (occasionally one will be asleep). I give a 5 minute warning that school is beginning at 8:00.


At 8:00, everyone does their chores and gets their school boxes out while I cook breakfast. While this is going on, we listen to our Latin for Children cd and IEW Poetry CD. Then I play our music appreciation selections while we eat.

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How old are your kids?

Ages are 14, 13, 11, 9, 7, and 5.



What are they doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

They are doing morning chores: kitchen, bathroom, living areas, garbage, vacuum, beds etc. They work in teams mostly and race each other. We've already had breakfast and Bible/reading before this job time.



What are YOU doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

I am pegging out the laundry (we hang our clothes outside here, I rarely use the dryer.)


How do we transition?

As soon as morning jobs are done, they get their books etc and settle at the table. They are often started by the time I get inside. I have found that the routine of moving straight from jobs to schoolwork works well and keeps focus. When I come in I start working with the youngest first.

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