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So talk to me about garlic

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Garlic is a staple in my home. I saute it in olive oil and add it to pasta, sauces, soups, veggies, everything.


The easiest (and least messy) way to chop/mince garlic is to use a garlic press. No need to peel it as the press does it for you. I have this one Zyliss Susi Garlic Press : Target.


The most important thing to remember when cooking with garlic is not to burn it--it ruins the taste. If you're sauteing it, stir it frequently and don't use high heat.


If I'm cooking a roast, I rub it down with garlic and place halved, peeled cloves into the roast. I also stick halved, peeled cloves under the skin of a chicken before roasting.


Another way to use garlic is to take a whole bulb,chop the top portion off (leaving the skin on) drizzle it with olive oil and salt, wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven for 40-45 minutes. The cloves will come right out of the skins and you can spread it on french or italian bread--so yummy! Garlic has a wonderfully mild, sweet taste when roasted.


Garlic has anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties, so, if I feel a cold coming on I eat RAW, chopped garlic on bread, pizza, veggies, etc.


Garlic lasts a long time stored in a dry, cool place.


Can't answer any garlic growing questions, as I haven't tried that...yet.



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Garlic is a staple in my home. I saute it in olive oil and add it to pasta, sauces, soups, veggies, everything.


The easiest (and least messy) way to chop/mince garlic is to use a garlic press. No need to peel it as the press does it for you. I have this one Zyliss Susi Garlic Press : Target.


The most important thing to remember when cooking with garlic is not to burn it--it ruins the taste. If you're sauteing it, stir it frequently and don't use high heat.


If I'm cooking a roast, I rub it down with garlic and place halved, peeled cloves into the roast. I also stick halved, peeled cloves under the skin of a chicken before roasting.


Another way to use garlic is to take a whole bulb,chop the top portion off (leaving the skin on) drizzle it with olive oil and salt, wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven for 40-45 minutes. The cloves will come right out of the skins and you can spread it on french or italian bread--so yummy! Garlic has a wonderfully mild, sweet taste when roasted.


Garlic has anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties, so, if I feel a cold coming on I eat RAW, chopped garlic on bread, pizza, veggies, etc.


Garlic lasts a long time stored in a dry, cool place.


Can't answer any garlic growing questions, as I haven't tried that...yet.




THANK YOU for posting the link!


At what temperature do you bake it? 350? Or would that be too high and burn it?


Garlic's anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties are what got me thinking about garlic! Just today I peeled and cut a garlic with a knife and put it in a covered bowl in the fridge - the purpose being to take it with water kind of like a vitamin pill a few times a day to ward off illnesses and also hopefully to help me finally be rid of these allergies - NeilMed is helping tremendously but not completely - thought garlic would aid the process!


My chopped garlic is in the fridge - okay???


So it sounds like garlic is okay to eat in any form???


Thank you for all your help! I appreciate it! So much to learn that I feel like I should already know - but better late than never I guess!

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You eat onion, don't you? You can do the same sorts of things with garlic, just don't use quite so much :D Oh, and cook it. Don't put it raw in salads, heheh. It goes well with nearly everything. I do not approve of garlic ice cream, of course, but I've heard it's been done. :ack2:


Yes, you can bake it at 350, just take it out before it burns :)



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I also use garlic in many dishes.


Here are some of my faves:


1. I cut a butternut squash into chunks and brush them with olive oil. I pull off about 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and leave them in the peel, and also brush them with olive oil. Put all onto a baking sheet in a 350 oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes, or until the squash is browned around the edges and soft. Then I put the squash in a bowl, squeeze the garlic out of its peels into the squash and mash it all together. Sooooo yummy!


2. I make a salad dressing with apple cider vinegar, flax or olive oil, dried mustard, a little bit of stevia powder, a couple cloves of pressed garlic and some ground pepper. I don't really measure any of this- just add stuff until it looks and tastes good.


3. Sautee a whole bunch of chopped or pressed garlic in some chicken or vegetable broth, then wilt greens in it. I've used Kale, swiss chard, spinach, and collard greens in this.

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Thanks everyone! This is what I need! Specifics are a GREAT help to me!


Any other recipe ideas you would like to share?


I am going to incorporate these ideas into my cooking. With fall upon us, using the butternut squash recipe is imminent!


Does anyone have any info on growing and preserving garlic, and also any cook book and homeopathic book recommendations specific to garlic?

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You eat onion, don't you? You can do the same sorts of things with garlic, just don't use quite so much :D Oh, and cook it. Don't put it raw in salads, heheh. It goes well with nearly everything. I do not approve of garlic ice cream, of course, but I've heard it's been done. :ack2:


Yes, you can bake it at 350, just take it out before it burns :)




Rosie - You always give me a chuckle - Thanks! This must be one of your special gifts - to cause people to smile, laugh, chuckle, ROFL - and it is always done decently --- what a tremendous gift to give others!


Your opening sentence brought the smile, and what brought the chuckle today was how you worded the garlic ice cream then put the emoticon!

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So talk to me about garlic


I will but don't stand so close:) I use garlic in just about everything I cook. It's great in any kind of stir-fry, on a beef roast or making fresh garlic bread. It's not hard to peel and chop up but they do sell them already peeled in a jar. You could grow your own if you wanted. Dh cracks up when I'm using garlic. "Do you think you used enough?"


FYI-If you use ALOT of garlic it actually comes through your skin. I used to give ds12 garlic pills and wow-he reeked of garlic. We discontinued that quickly. I don't notice any odor through the skin when cooking with it though--yet.

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Oh, and cook it. Don't put it raw in salads, heheh. It goes well with nearly everything.




Actually, I like it raw too.

Recently I had the dreaded flu and I sliced up garlic very finely and put it on toast and ate it. I did it twice, and I reckon it helped me get well as fast as I did.

Its also nice to grow. Stick some in the ground, water, and voila, garlic. I also have garlic chives which are a milder flavour.

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Growing Garlic - sooooo easy.


This is one of the easiest things to grow. I don't know where you are located but unless you are in the extreme north or in a tropic southern location I think these instructions will work for you.


You need to buy some garlic cloves to plant. Do not buy from the grocery store. Get some from a seed catalog for the best results. Garlic connoisseurs prefer the hard neck varieties. This fall you need to plant the individual cloves about 4 inches apart (depending on the variety read planting instructions that come with the garlic) in a garden bed that you've prepared (with maybe some compost or a little fertilizer).


Then in about the middle of July the garlic plants leaves will start turning brown and flopping over. When at least half are brown, pull the garlic and let it dry out in a dry area (for us it is the basement). Cut off the stems, trim the roots, brush off any dirt. Each clove will produce one head. So you can figure out how many you want to grow.


I store in the garlic in brown paper bag, but we've already used up all the garlic we grew this year, so I don't have to worry about saving it. You can do things like freeze if you are worried about it keeping, but we've never had to.


The garlic is really strong when it is first harvested.


Most garlic these days is grown in Mexico or China, so we love to grow our own.


We are growing this type. You can also find elephant garlic and red garlic all wonderful.



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FYI-If you use ALOT of garlic it actually comes through your skin. I used to give ds12 garlic pills and wow-he reeked of garlic. We discontinued that quickly. I don't notice any odor through the skin when cooking with it though--yet.


Then you haven't eaten enough :D If you give your boy garlic and parsley tablets you should have less problems. The parsley seems to deodorise :)



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I love garlic, but, unfortunately, I've begun to react to it. :(


As for ways I've cooked it, though:


1) Sautee crushed garlic along with chopped spinach, sea salt, and olive oil.


2) Cut rutabaga into chunks and cook it in olive oil with sea salt and crushed garlic. I also add some butter, but it's good without butter, too.


3) Cook crushed garlic with ground bison, olive oil, and sea salt.



We grow garlic, too. In addition to eating the bulbs, we also eat the leaves (well, my husband eats it now even though I can't).

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