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Little House question (on the Prarie)

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Tonight we were reading the Plum Creek book and my dd9 asked why, if Ma was a teacher before Pa married her, did Ma not teach Laura to read. She went to town school at age 7 and still did not know all of her letters. I just said hmmmm I don't know and she said "she was not a good mother". I guess she just doesn't get why a Mom, especially a former teacher wouldn't teach her own children.


So, anyone know why Ma didn't teach Laura to read?

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I have read the William Anderson biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and he says that the school in Wisconsin has Laura listed as a pupil during the year she was 4 years old. That is 'real life' records, not what was written in the fictional books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder.


So, yeah, LIW actually went to school at a very, very young age. I suspect Ma was busy at home with baby Carrie so sent the older kiddos off to school.


It's a well-known fact that Laura's daughter, Rose, was a very advanced scholar academically, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Laura was advanced in much the same way.


I highly recommend reading William Anderson's biography as he looked up actual records of the Ingalls family. It's good to remember, and to teach our children as we read the Little House books, that although they are based on Laura's life....they are still fictional works. Laura didn't want children reading the harsh realities of prairie life and so she switched things/times/places/events around. Literary license, kwim?

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So, anyone know why Ma didn't teach Laura to read?


They did school work in BPC. During the blizzard at the end she mentions everyone being so scared for Pa they put their slates down and played all day.


BTW, did you know if you go to google video and google

Pa's fiddle

you'll find a rough vid of someone playing Pa's actual fiddle. My son couldn't get over it. (We are in the middle Silver Lake).

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