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Doing anything special for Grandparents Day?

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I found this post on some Grandparents day ideas. Anyone doing something else? I like the coaster idea but my mil is loaded up with coasters. Plus her walls and shelves are full of pictures, art work, etc from a total of 15 grands and great grands. I would love to come up with something unique and fun for the boys to make for my inlaws and my mom. My dad and his wife will be getting the coasters. :lol:

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We definitely can't get away with avoiding anyone...my mother called my childless sister this past Sunday to gripe that it was Grandparents Day and we hadn't called or anything. So my sister called to give me the heads-up and I'm like, tell her to check the calendar...it's NEXT Sunday. Sheesh.


Plus, she and MY grandmother are right across the street, so we have to plan something. I'm thinking we'll grill out some burgers and hot dogs and have the kids make them a card. Can't afford anything extravagant, and at nine months pregnant, I am not up for much!

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