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H!N1 questions...Perry ? and any others who might know...

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The people whom it was not transmitted to didn't get it, mainly because they were not in enough close contact with infected people.


If you had a simple virus with very good transmissibility and excellent transmission routes you might get a situation where each person infects five. Then each of those five infects another five & so on & so on (like that stupid old shampoo commercial. Am I dating myself?)


But some viruses - notably & luckily the hemmorhagic fevers like ebola - burn too fast & burn themselves out. So there you might have an outbreak where 1 person has it, manages to infect 1 person. Maybe that person will infect another, maybe not. You might have a situation that in a case of 10 infected people, only 1 manages to pass it on.


If you're looking at literature about this, what you'd be interested in is the R0 Number which is the basic reproductive number

"The average number of other individuals each infected individual will infect in a population that has no immunity to the disease"



What I've been seeing is that H1N1 is currently showing 1.3-1.5 .....



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Oh & I wanted to add: Much of the modelling I've seen is assuming a 15% attack rate.

But it could be higher. Or it could be lower. We just don't know.


The big problems are going to be around the small percentage of those infected who develop serious illness and need oxygen support.


Helen Barnswell did a piece called

War against H1N1 likely to be fought in intensive care units


Effect Measure has a blog post on some modelling results.

The Depressing Math of Swine Flu, ICUs and Ventilators

The huge variation in the model predictions are, to me, an indication that for all the fancy computers & mathematical capabilities that we have in the digitial age, it's still GIGO. Maybe even more now than before. Now the Garbage OUT can be dressed up in powerpoint and spreadsheets and made to look really fancy which really obscures the stench of the Garbage IN.......

The comments in that blog post are also very interesting.

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