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Usually NOT a worrier at all, but recent events makes me fear the flu!

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and here's another fairly rapid one that happened in my province...


The New Zealand man who died in a Calgary hospital Thursday of complications from swine flu likely contracted the illness before he arrived in Canada, Alberta's top doctor said Friday.

"Based on the incubation period that we know runs at two to four days, he would have acquired this shortly before leaving or even possibly on the plane itself but … it's impossible to say," said chief medical officer of health Dr. André Corriveau.



The man was the father of a competitor at the WorldSkills competition in Calgary. He arrived in Canada on Aug. 28 and became ill shortly afterward.

"The symptoms developed within the following day and then evolved progressively from there to a point where on the second of September the man came to the emergency room and was immediately taken into care," Corriveau said.

The man died in hospital Thursday morning. Swine flu was confirmed through a lab test that afternoon.






He took sick around the 29/30(They don't say exact) - was hospitalized on Sept 2 and died on Sept 3rd.



:( That's terrible. I'm sure we will be hearing more and more of these types of stories as the flu season progresses. :(

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:( That's terrible. I'm sure we will be hearing more and more of these types of stories as the flu season progresses. :(


There have been a fair few more rapid deaths ~ I read some flu forums and have seen the stories go by on different occasions.. those were just two I had at the front of my mind & links handy for... here's another, little girl from Ontario earlier in the summer ...dead barely 24 hours after showing signs of fever. :(

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It was the CDC personnl who recommended my son (and all the other sick campers) take Tamiflu. They were very involved in my son's summer camp experience due to the high number of kids who contracted the swine flu.


Weird. I read an article from a major news source (can't remember which one) just this week that said the CDC says that the swine flu is resistant to Tamiflu. But when I googled just now, I can't find it, and the CDC website says they are recommending Tamiflu.

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...are these deaths (rapidly occurring after initial signs of symptoms) any different than what can occur with regular seasonal influenza? I'm not meaning to diminish the severity and impact of these deaths....I'm just curious to know if the scenarios are being taken out of context and amplified.


I think it would be virtually impossible to find correct information in this at this stage. There is a lot of sensationalising, and threads like this contribute to the sensationalising even if people are jsut trying to find the truth. You arent going to find it here and its easy to get caught up in the mass hysteria that the media promotes.


One thing everyone needs to realise is....by far most people get through the latest flu with minimal problems. THe fact that there are cases of people dying with it....well, its terribly uinfortunate for those families of the deceased, but most people are ok.

I notice that with the people dying here that the media often says "the family dont want any more details to be released" for some reason. It woudl help calm public hysteria if they just said if teh person had an underlying medical condition or not, but often they wont say anything, and it comes out later that they did. Why not just say so from the beginning?

This will make the vaccination companies millions- there are a lot of people to benefit from public panic.

Just use common sense- be as healthy as you can, dont spend time aroudn people who are really sick, and stick up on stuff you may need if you or your fmaily get sick. What more can you do anyway?

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Locally, we have several public schools (1 high school + 1 middle school + 3 elementary schools) and 2 private schools, plus a university and 2 community/technical colleges. I'm sure the conglomeration of people from all over contributes to the high incidence of illness.


In our area (central GA), I've heard of quite a few cases, including my 13yo nephew. The rest of his immediate family (my BIL, SIL, 4yob, & 9yog) is on Tamiflu.


I haven't heard of any deaths; most people say the worst of it is over within about 4 days.

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