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Scary article on the pressures of kindergarten


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Thanks for reminding me why I pulled my kids out of ps. And here I was starting to feel bad that ds is missing out on all the fun in kindergarten. I'd forgotten they only get one 20 minute recess every day at our school.


Hey - at least they get recess everyday where you live! Our K'ers only get recess on Tuesday and Fridays :glare:.

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children begin primary school on the first school day after their 5th birthday, no matter when that falls in the year. Kindy is like preschool in the States. Kindy is for 3&4yo & is very developmental in delivery & most sessions are half day. At 5yo each child begins primary school & begins full-day school 9:00-3:00. We are lucky that the day in most primary schools is 9:00-10:30 class, 10:30-11:00 recess, 11:00-12:30 class, 12:30-1:30 lunch/recess, 1:30-3:00 class. This schedule continues until age 13 when they begin highschool. But even with all the recess time my ds#1 was not ready for the sit-down expectations of school. He attended 9 terms before we brought him home to learn. By age 7 he saw himself as a failure! I now am a firm believer in developmental expectations. I have followed a much less pressured routine with ds#2 & he is miles ahead of where my dd & ds#1 were at the same age.



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Yet more reasons to homeschool...


Pressure Cooker Kindergarten


When I was in college 20+ yrs ago majoring in child psychology and elementary ed, I was blessed by having several older professors. Several of my psychology professors specifically addressed the issue of how the change in family dynamics and the push for gov't provided pre-school and full day k would ultimately lead to a demise in higher education.


My professors' research and lectures and the research that I did in school on cognitive development and higher order thinking skills all affirmed that forcing academics on young children instead of allowing them to explore/imagine/create hamper higher cognitive function development.


When I took my 4 yod into the pediatrician at the age of 3, my dr drilled me on what pre-school academics I was doing with her. I asked her if she had ever researched the cognitive development of pre-schoolers and which was more beneficial long term.....academics or creative play. She has never asked me about education in our home since.


Unfortunately, most schools are extremely pc these days and they are not willing to buck the system and stand up for the truth. Pre-school academics is pretty much a "standard" demand and what is expected to be pushed.


I am just extremely thankful that we are able to make the choice.

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