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Panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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I know how you feel! Ds was supposed to go to public school for high school but after only one week it was apparent that his migraines had returned with a vengence, he had one every single day, and he requested coming home for high school.:glare: In a way I'm happy cause I love having him home but I have no curriculum, no plans:confused: Dh just started a new job and we had to wait a month for payday so I also have no money.:tongue_smilie: Right now I have him reading the first volume of Story of the US by Hakim, doing a literature study on Summer of the Swans, and doing a science unit I got from NASA. His math is on its way and hopefully next payday I can get his other subjects. Yep, a panic attack pretty well describes it.:iagree:

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I'm there almost every single day (and today is day 38 of our school yr!!)


FloridaLisa had a post a few days ago that really spoke to me. A simple summation is that the evidence of our efforts are visible before in the actions/behaviors/responses of our children. I have been so focused on simply getting through the day (and collapsing at the end of it) that I really needed the reminder of the bigger picture!! (as silly as that sounds!!)


This has been a better week.

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I'm there almost every single day (and today is day 38 of our school yr!!)


FloridaLisa had a post a few days ago that really spoke to me. A simple summation is that the evidence of our efforts are visible before in the actions/behaviors/responses of our children. I have been so focused on simply getting through the day (and collapsing at the end of it) that I really needed the reminder of the bigger picture!! (as silly as that sounds!!)


This has been a better week.


Can you post Floridalisa's post...I need encouragement to even face this next day...


Lately I am not only burning the candle at both ends...it seems the middle is melting out too..............


Then Dh goes and signs my kids up for KARATE! I guess 4 nights of swimming...working full time...homeschooling...was not enough for me....sigh.........


Now I have books etc.....but the idea of DOING it all is an enormous weight on my shoulders. That, and I need to go have yet another tooth pulled out, which is horribly infected and HURTS! next week. My vanity is starting to hurt as I slowly turn into a middle aged Jack-o-Lantern.....


I am having a personal pity party. :nopity: I'll be ok in a few days....


Thanks for the shoulder....


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A few years ago I was always overwhelmed. So much to do. School the children, tend to the toddlers (at the time I had toddlers), keep house, food, hubby etc. I was exhausted before I even got out of bed. I didn't want to do school. Just thinking about it made me want to cry.


I have a sister-in-law who doesn't homeschool. She has 6dc also, plus a dog who had pups, some chickens and a dh who believes the women should do all the household chores, cart the kids to and from school, football etc. Plus her dh is pretty hard on her about a neat and clean house.But yet, she was so calm. One day I asked her how does she do it all and her answer, "I take one day at a time." As I went home that day, I pondered on what my sister said.


Four years later I still take her advice. When I get out of bed I don't think of ALL the stuff I have to do that day. I praise the Lord and then take one day,one hour, one subject at a time, I keep putting one foot in front of of the other. What doesn't get done today will still be there tomorrow;)

Edited by Homeschooling6
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Are you sure you can't find a reason to send *them* to bed? I mean nuts, I don't have to say the problem is *me* lol... You're feeling hot today, go to bed. Or it's nice outside. Everyone go draw ants. Science day. Make a leaf collection day. Pajama day. Computer game day. Weed the flower beds day. Select and memorize fall poems day. Oh, or the perennial favorite, sort clothes to see what we need for the next season day!


Lots of ways to call off school when you're just not ready. Otherwise, come see me. They had some great, cheap chocolate at Trader Joes I need an excuse to buy. :)

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Are you sure you can't find a reason to send *them* to bed? I mean nuts, I don't have to say the problem is *me* lol... You're feeling hot today, go to bed. Or it's nice outside. Everyone go draw ants. Science day. Make a leaf collection day. Pajama day. Computer game day. Weed the flower beds day. Select and memorize fall poems day. Oh, or the perennial favorite, sort clothes to see what we need for the next season day!


Lots of ways to call off school when you're just not ready. Otherwise, come see me. They had some great, cheap chocolate at Trader Joes I need an excuse to buy. :)


YEP!!! I knew we were cut from the same cloth...uh-huh...chocolate sounds good!




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Sympathy! Funny, I just wrote in a post that this morning I woke up thinking that I wish it wasn't a crime to raise uneducated children! May God get you through this year. Remember, as I do, when they are off at College you will never regret all the time you put in. You more than any of us will know this as you have grown children. Take care,



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