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Why can't I get this stuff done? I am so frustrated.

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I am trying to finish planning, but someone took my brain and replaced it with Igor's. I used to be a smart person. I used to get things done. I just can't make decisions, plan, think in sequential order. This crappy thyroid/adrenal issue is making a mess of my life. My doc is working on it, but I need a personal manager to make sure that everything I am supposed to do to take care of me gets done. (For example, it took me 2 months to be organized enough to get my fasting blood test done. I had planned to do it about 5 times, but forgot to not eat or was just too tired to go for it.)


Why is this so hard?

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I struggle too. I keep wondering when that fabulous-40 mentality will kick in (I'm not yet 40 but getting close). In the meantime I feel like I am falling apart at the seams. My house also looks like it's falling apart at the seams too.


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming . . . .

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I have autoimmune problems. I had to stop my immunesuppresant drug becasue I was hospitalized for a serious infection. SO now I am on less medication than I have been in 5 years or so. Not only are my joints bothering me more (both in pain and in stiffness) but my thinking is becoming fuzzier day by day. I am trying to hold out on starting a new drug until I have had the swine flu and regular flu shots. I don't know that I will be able to.


WHat I am doing right now- taking naps, getting the kids to help more, taking advantage of clear thinking and energetic times to do my necessary thinking (like plan my class I will be teaching). I also am drinking more coffee. I am just really happy that I have older kids and my middle can now drive and even my youngest is doing math on her own. I also plan on getting lots of food in the freezer for my dh's upcoming trips and am investigating grocery delivery services or shopping services that I could send my middle out to pick up.

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