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I. Don't. Need. to. keep. their. work. Right?

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Why oh why do I hold on? I'm unpacking in the new house and I found *that* box. The binders. The history binders from 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. All their Story of the World stuff. "It is not necessary to keep this"- I keep repeating to myself. Why can't I throw it away?


I don't have the room to keep seven kids worth of stuff from elementary. It just isn't possible.


[don't mind me, I'm typing out loud]


Someone virtually slap me around to help me with my indecision. :D





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Oh, no, you are wrong. You absolutely must keep all that stuff. After all, you never know when you might need a map of the Fertile Crescent, or a Greek God paper doll. Also, all those binders make excellent insulation for the house. If you got rid of any of it, you and the family might go cold this winter!!!


I am being facetious of course.:D Maybe you could try picking your absolute faves from each year and combine all the best work into 1 binder per kid? (My state requires portfolios, so that is the way we do things here.) You know, on one of those days when you've got nothing more urgent to do than to sit down and look through old schoolwork...:lol:

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Oh, no, you are wrong. You absolutely must keep all that stuff. After all, you never know when you might need a map of the Fertile Crescent, or a Greek God paper doll. Also, all those binders make excellent insulation for the house. If you got rid of any of it, you and the family might go cold this winter!!!



Evil. :lol: That isn't helpful. :D


Honestly, I have no desire to look through their work. I have no nostalgia towards that work. I am more concerned that *they* will want to look back on it. Or one day I'll move to a state that will want me to prove that they haven't been playing lego star wars or basketball for the past 6 years. It's possible, right? :D

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Not unless you know you are going to get divorced and it's not pretty and you might get served with a "demand to produce" that includes providing copies of ALL __you choice here________ used to evaluate the children over the years.


Then you might need it.


Ask me how i know. :glare:

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This was my summer chore! I went through all the boxes (now that all are in high school) and kept a few papers/projects for each boy so that some day they will be reminded that I did indeed teach them stuff. I kept examples of handwriting pages, narrations, drawings, special projects, etc. I went from about 10 boxes of stuff down to 4 (one for each boy).


Then I burned the rest of it....kinda sad to see 15 years worth of my life go up in smoke...but, hey, I have more storage room now :D


BTW, Hawaii was fantastic! We had a wonderful time (I even surfed! Rode that wave right to shore), but got ourselves in a schedule bugaboo in Oahu. Hope your move went well.

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I am more concerned that *they* will want to look back on it. Or one day I'll move to a state that will want me to prove that they haven't been playing lego star wars or basketball for the past 6 years. It's possible, right? :D


Can't help you with the legalities, but I can help you with the other. Three years ago, my mom gave me a box of school work she had saved from my PS elementary years. She oohed and ahhhed and insisted I keep it. I took out a few drawings and tossed the rest the moment she left. So, she stored all that stuff for (ahem) years and I tossed it. Your space is more important. Save the best stuff and get rid of the rest. (After all, they'll never miss it if they don't remember it ever existed, right?)

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Well, I have issues. I have been unable to part with anything - I was just proud I finally organized the stuff into a binder for each year! But now it's even more apparent that there's too. much. stuff. - especially as they've gotten older.


At the same time last year I went through all their preschool artwork and winnowed it way down to a manageable amount, so I'm thinking maybe next summer I tackle a few years' of binders and save just the "best" stuff and consolidate. Then I just have to figure out how to let go of the old workbooks.


Yes, this is why I am overwhelmed with clutter in my house. I know. I know. I'm working on it...

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Put it in the trash can! Do it now. No, they won't want to see that stuff when they are older. Then we will get threads like this :


"My mom just gave me all of my old homeschooling binders. What do I do with them now? I don't even remember doing any of this stuff and we are moving soon. I just can't see hauling them all the way to Timbuktu but she was such a great homeschooling mom. I don't want to hurt her feelings an these were so important to her. Should I leave them out on the coffee table or something when she comes to visit? Would I be a bad son/ daughter if I just got rid of them:confused: "



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Yes, this is why I am overwhelmed with clutter in my house. I know. I know. I'm working on it...


This is "us" (see that mr lawyer, not just ME, HIM too :glare:).


So last summer i actually, spontaneously, threw a BUNCH of it away when gathering some books to sell.


And now, it's biting me in the behind.


BUt flip, i can't keep all this paper crap either right?


Like a garbage can. I buy them, and they end up outside doing various tasks.... in the garage, in the yard.... everywhere BUT IN HERE. Hence, nothing gets thrown away because there isn't a place to toss it easily without thinking about it. My fault i didn't fix it because i forgot to put them on the Sam's CLub list. I have no money to buy new ones on my own... so there is a bag in the corner that they don't use.


ANYWAY.... i'm trying to become a reformed paper collector. Trying.

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Ah, yes, my mom did this a few years ago as well! I was astonished because I grew up in a military family too, and I couldn't believe she had carted all this stuff around the world! I guess there were only 2 of us kids though . . I went through it and showed the boys what beautiful penmanship I had back then, LOL, and I saved some of the more meaningful stories and drawings. ALL the workbook stuff I dumped. And then a few months ago I dumped most of my boys' workbooks and stuff. It felt so freeing!

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