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Is there enough instruction with Math Mammoth?


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I am not a mathy person at all. I also plan to switch to TT after MM.


I have only used MM 2nd & 3rd I'm waiting for MM grade 4. IMO there is enough instruction. Sometimes I have to do a few problems myself to understand because I was not taught math this way. Already I can subtract double digit a lot quicker and have learned lots of tricks for quick adding ;)


My oldest son used MUS before we switched him to MM.

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I think the level of instruction in Math Mammoth is just right. I also like that it's written directly to the student, and the "teaching" is right there on the same page with the problems. Don't let the brevity put you off ~ her explanations are very clear, concise, and well-illustrated.


My very non-mathy son actually chose MM over several computer-based math programs I bought him, which surprised me since he is very much a visual/spatial learner. He felt Math Mammoth was very clear and understandable, and there were very few times he needed me to explain things beyond what was in the MM text.


I'm trying to switch him to Singapore for 6th grade, but he finds the layout very busy and confusing compared to Math Mammoth. I wish MM had a 6th grade curriculum! MM is very similar to Singapore in approach, and she uses the "bar" method of illustrating problems like Singapore does, but I think the layout is much better. I like that I can just print out the worksheets for the day and put them on a clipboard, so my son isn't overwhelmed by so many pages and such a busy layout. I may try using TT as the spine, and supplement with Singapore.


I also bought Singapore for my DD7, who is quite a bit mathier, but I'm thinking I might actually prefer to use Math Mammoth plus the Singapore Challenging Word Problems for her.



Edited by Corraleno
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