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You're Not Going To Believe This! (Nurse Update)

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I called to lodge a complaint against the nurse that's been to my home, and request another nurse specifically, that's recommended by the pharmacy.


My nurse is the NURSING SUPERVISOR!! :blink:


I left a call for the director, specifically stating that I did NOT want the nursing supervisor calling me.


Wouldn't you think, as a nursing SUPERVISOR, that she'd know and strictly adhere to Universal Precautions, and know to clean the site, not reuse needles, etc? Or is this a case of, "I'm the head, so I can do what I want and not get busted." mentality? :mad:


I'm seriously considering reporting her to the province. God only knows how many patients that she's either injured, made ill, or might in the future simply by not attending to basic hygiene :cursing:

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I have no clue how ratings work. I'm guessing that its because I use bold font...I've had some complaints about it.


I've called another nurse that was out for a Workers Comp report, to see what could be put in place at home to help me manage better (3 hrs of housekeeping a week was one thing! :party:)

She's a care manager for her company (how does this work that I get head honchos at my place??) and is willing to do my treatments. If I can't get ahold of the nurse that the pharmacy normally uses, then I will demand a full switch of agency from the pharmacy, and request her specifically.

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I think it's rude of whom ever to keep rating your threads so low. I love reading them and you always have something interesting to say.


I also want to let you know that my 49yo eyes actually prefer reading your text in bold print, LOL! :D


You are doing the right thing with this nurse by going over her head and by getting a new nurse. She doesn't sound like much of a nurse to me.

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Well, thanks for the compliments! Good thing I don't have the capacity to have an inflated ego :lol:


I've made some calls, waiting for returns. *sigh*


The nurse I spoke to from the other agency has given me info on how to take it to a provincial level as well.


I consider this nurse flat out dangerous.

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Glad to hear from some folks that like the bold, lol!


I'm definitely pursuing it. I don't even really want another nurse from the same agency, to be honest. I just don't want her anywhere near my care, in any capacity. The pharmacist really likes and knows the nurse that normally would have come out, but she's been on vacation since before my treatments started, so I agreed to try and get ahold of her. If I can't by Wed am, I'm calling the pharmacist and demanding the change.

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