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Classical Conversations and 4 Day Week


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Most of the time I do.


I find that we are wiped out on CC days and we do nothing extra beyond what we do during CC. In the beginning I had grand plans to come home and get some math done, but it just wasn't going to happen. We were all too tired.


One additional day during the week my girls and I ride horses and or take horse riding lessons. We generally don't do school that day. We will probably end up listening to the memory work in the car, but that is about it. Sometimes I either double up a math lesson on the other days, skip a lesson if possible or just don't stress about it. We have no cumpulsory attendance rules so I just get through the books when I get through the books.

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My thought is to go year round. My concern is that I have heard that math is good to do 4 days in a row to help understanding and retention. Have you noticed a challenge with math having a 4 day break between sessions?


It would be difficult if we put in effort three days if much of it would be lost, kwim?

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Maybe just math on the 5th day? (Or, just math and a bit of phonics for someone learning to read)


We do a light day on Fridays, some days just math, but math/phonics in K and sometimes math/one other subject that needed a bit more work that week for 1st grade when she was reading well.


We also did our Bible memory verses on our Fridays.

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Your child is four, so IMHO, one day of school work is completely fine. So four AND CC is fine too.

My child had no interest in school work, zip, at age four, so I was lucky to get him to color a worksheet or talk about a letter, so if we did ANY schoolwork, it was a blessing. He's in 1st now, and coming along just fine. So it turns out those early preschool years of doing hardly any schoolwork didn't really hold him back.


Not bashing your early school years at all, simply saying that your schedule is completely acceptable, ie 4 days of school work, if your child is handling it well.

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I'm not certain how much more involved RS gets, but thus far it has taken about 15 minutes to knock out. The 100 EZ takes no more than 15 as well. Those are the only two "sit down academic" pieces of work I am doing. Otherwise we are playing and doing things. I actually see the RS as very much play, but we are early on in the program obviously.


I want to keep the weekends and probably Friday as fun exploration days. We have a zoo membership, go to museums, hiking, letterboxing, etc. and would like to keep those days as learning through life and fun. I guess I could throw in some math on Thursday after CC. I am just not keen on that.


Maybe we will keep our homeschooling to Mon-Wed and then CC on Thursday. My goal is for my DD to have fun and the bonus is learning. We do no more than she is comfortable with and enjoys at this point. I am pursuing areas of interest she has at this time and will remain flexible.


Thank you so much ladies for your input. :001_smile:

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I think you are fine with your 3 day a week seatwork, CC on one day, and Friday as your exploration day.


My dd is in 3rd grade, and we do a 4-day week of actual class work. After CC she has a gym class, literature class, and horse riding lessons. She is ready for more after CC, but I am not, so it is good to get these other activities in at that time. As far as scheduling, we just start a little earlier in August to be able to get through all grammar, math, etc lessons.

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We're doing CC with my 4K and Kindergartners and while I had intended to do CC day + 4 school days, it's really working out to be CC + 3 school days. That fourth day we've ended up spending doing all the fun stuff that homeschoolers get to do like going to the library, zoo, nature center, etc. Maybe I'm not pushing the math as much as I should, but I'm finding that retention isn't a problem.


We did start our school year about 6 weeks before CC started and we'll keep going another 6 weeks after it ends. That makes our school year about 36 weeks long with a nice long break in December. So it works out this year to August-end of November, then beginning of January-beginning of May (or something like that, don't quote my spring end date!). I guess we're "sort-of-year-rounders."

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We're in our 3rd year with CC, and we have honestly done very little structured work besides working on reading before this year (1st grade). We've done a lot of answering questions and talking through things up until now, and we did work through the Math U See Primer over the summer.


We have added about 5-6 weeks before and after CC this year. We are more structured, but we tend to do 3 "full" days, meet with our CC group on Thursday and then have a lighter day on Friday. Our goal for that day is to do math (which doesn't take very long at this point), some extended geography work, and more reading than we normally get in. Sometimes I plan more hands-on activities to go along with our history, get together with friends for a playgroup, or we'll go on outings as a family since DH has a flexible schedule.

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