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Quick--Song lyric help please

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Hi folks,


Have you seen Dan in Real Life? If you haven't seen it, it's wonderful. It's clean and funny and well done all around.


At one point the brothers sing a really hilarious song about Dan's blind date, Ruthie "Pig Face" Draper. They make up words and fit them into a popular song. You must help me--neither dh nor I can think of what the original song is. I keep singing Ruthie-Pigface-Draper and wishing I could remember the song it came from!!


Anyone know? Please?



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I listened, and that doesn't seem right. I tried listening to the song on Youtube, and all I've come up with a country-western songs that don't seem to match what is on the movie. :confused:

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In the movie it's supposed to be something they made up on the spot and were improvising the lyrics. So the music wouldn't be complex or an actual song. Butz is just vamping on the piano.


It sounds familiar, but I think it does in the way that it's just some simple chords and some guys messing around.


Thanks for the clip! I hadn't remembered the song from the movie at all. :)

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This is still driving me crazy, so I wanted to bump it up. I still think this tune sounds so familiar...like it's a real song that they changed the lyrics to.


Anyone, anyone??


Yes--it is, indeed, driving me crazy. I have been singing it all. stinkin'. day. My kids have not yet seen this movie, and they know the song now too.

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It sounds familiar, but I think it does in the way that it's just some simple chords and some guys messing around.
Exactly. It's a standard chord progression, one you've heard dozens if not hundreds of times in very familiar songs.
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