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Would you like to know what we decided re: ds8 and ps?

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First of all, I have to say thank you to everyone who replied w/ such encouragement and advice and for all the prayers. I spoke with my dh last night and earlier this evening. I had him read a post on another board re: the Moores advice on early learning. He shared his own doubts about ds8 going to ps and his dissatisfaction with the teacher he would have (happens to be the same teacher dd12 had when she was in 3rd grade and I never really liked her as a teacher) and the curriculum. That cemented it for me. So, (drum roll please), we have decided to keep him at HOME! :hurray:


Dh agreed to support me in teaching ds8, cut me some "slack" if things don't immediately go perfectly and I have agreed to keep dh informed as to how I am feeling (emotionally), ds8's progress, his behavior and generally just keep the lines of communication open. I'm under no delusions that this will magically be "easy" this year. However, I am certain this is best for ds8. Please keep us in your prayers if you think about it. I am excited, scared, anxious to get started and so much more at peace now. Ds8 is thrilled as well. This WILL be a better year!

Edited by Sue G in PA
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Wonderful news!!!


Your son sounded a lot like my son at age 8. He is now turning 10 and loves school!!


Go to parks and museums! Have a picnic outside! Look under rocks and pick leaves. Lie on your backs and stare at the clouds (then go inside and learn about all the different types of clouds).


Have fun!

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