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tamiflu --what 's your experience with it

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Our violin teacher recently did a round of Tamiflu. I know you're supposed to start it within 48 hours of contracting the flu if it's supposed to help. And she said her flu-symptoms went away within a couple of days, BUT the side effects were really unpleasant. Dizziness, foggy head, upset stomach, etc. all seemed to be a problem. But maybe better a few days of those symptoms than a week or two of the flu?



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Well, I started Tamiflu last week and made it through 3 doses before I simply. could. not. take. any. more. As another poster expressed, the side effects were just too much on top of the other symptoms. That said, however, I was sick Mon-Fri (sat). I know of at least two other folks who, with the Tamiflu, experienced 2-3 days of symptoms. Based on what I know, I'd take it despite stories like mine. Who knows, you may find you do not succumb to the side effects. :-} Hope you feel better soon! I, truly, feel you pain having just recuperated myself.

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I don't know that it helped that much but I didn't notice any side effects. My dh and kids didn't take it. My dh came down with the flu first and his symptoms lasted the longest. The kids were actually sick less time than I was but my kids rarely get sick at all and usually throw off anything they get pretty quickly. Knock on wood. :)

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