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My 7yo Daughter on Homeschooling and Homework

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Explaining homeschooling to a 4th grade new friend in the area who hadn't heard of homeschooling before:


"You do school at home. It's great! It's short and you get to stay home with your mom all day."


Friend: "Do you have homework?"


(No answer)


At dinner that night I asked her, "Do you know what homework is?"


She didn't. We discussed what homework was, Dad said she could get some when she was older.


Next day: new friend asks her Dad if we can homeschool her!

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What did her dad say?


Well, he's divorced so he doesn't have the final say in schooling issues, he's just glad they finally get to go to a charter school, he fought for a while to get that, it sounds like.


He said, "Well, it's harder than it sounds!"


I said, "Yes, we do work very hard while we're doing school."


(By the way, this was at the community pool at our townhouse. Normally, they either play here with me or my children can go over to their house with my husband when he gets home. They also have a 7 year old boy.)


Anybody else have any fun descriptions of homeschooling from their children?

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Not really a reply, but my daughter, when asked how much homework she has, says, "It's ALL home work!" Well, duh.:D


I actually had this kind of thing going around in my brain: Is it all homework? Or, can it truly be homework if you were at home the whole time? I guess it could be homework if you had work to do later, even if you were at home the whole time...people on the WTM forum have called it homework, so it must be homework!


I guess I'll need to figure it out by middle school, good thing my oldest is just starting 2nd grade, I'll have time to consider all the ramifications and come up with a good plan and a good name to call the "homework."

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