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Keeping a 2 year old busy

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I know there have been some thread previously about keeping little ones busy while teaching others. My problem is similar but different. I have six 15, 14, 11, 6, 4 and 2


The problem for me is that my 2 year old wants work like her siblings. Does anyone have any suggestions that are inexpensive and won't distract me from doing work with the older ones?


I am also open to busy suggestions (i.e. sandbox) the problem is these sometimes occupy the little one for a few minutes and then she begins to interrupt the lesson.


Thanks for your input.

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check out tools for tots http://lapbooksbycarisa.homestead.com/ToolsforTots.html it has great ideas for doing tot school with little ones. My youngest has always wanted to be part of the mix. If you check some of the other past threads about keeping toddlers busy etc I have listed many things that I do with her during school time.

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Buy a couple of cheap workbooks at Walmart, tell her that is her school and she can only do them during school. This worked with my ds8 when he was younger. Ds3 on the other hand, wants direct interaction and someone to play with. I need to schedule him in and do acitivities with him while the others are doing independent work.

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I have been known to read to my dds in the bathroom with my tot nephew playing in the tub.


A tub of water filled with toys set on the kitchen floor under a beach towel has been known to give us an hour.


Of course, my nephew's love language is water play. lol


We also get toxic stuff done while he naps. lol

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My 2 year old loved the whiteboard - so long as she could color, spray, erase all the pretty colors she was content :) we just had to watch to make sure she didn't color herself or the furniture!


I also gave her junk mail and catalogs to cut up and glue scraps onto construction paper. She loved the glue stick! And she could do this at the table, meaning she got to sit with my older child and me while we worked on Big Kid stuff.


A friend of mine used a felt board with random scenes and pieces; everytime we went to her house my daughter was ENTRANCED. So I bought felt to make our own Felt Land, but ... uh, haven't gotten around to that yet. I bought it cheaply at JoAnns using my teacher discount, most of it from the scraps bin. This wouldn't be difficult to do/make/buy - I think I've even seen a few $5 kits at Target (bears/clothes, farm scenes, etc).

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