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How Was Your First Day or Week of School????????


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Although we will not start school until August 24, I am curious to know how well everyone's first day or week went. I am still waiting for our curriculum to arrive. If we don't receive our curriculum by the 24th, we will just use the free sites.


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I am happy to say that last week went better than expected. I increased both my 9yo and 12yo's loads quite a bit and they are both responding positively. I was particularly concerned about my 9yo and he's amazed me! (He's my restless fella! )


Now if I can just figure out how to keep their 2yo db occupied without turning on the tv... :tongue_smilie:

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It went great!! We started our day off with our school cones (something I learned about on here) and the girls went crazy over them. We also started our version of work boxes that went better than I thought. We changed out folders, added new dividers and got to work! Everyone loved all their books, worked hard and we were done in about 5 hours. Looking forward to tomorrow!!

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I am happy to say that last week went better than expected. I increased both my 9yo and 12yo's loads quite a bit and they are both responding positively. I was particularly concerned about my 9yo and he's amazed me! (He's my restless fella! )


Now if I can just figure out how to keep their 2yo db occupied without turning on the tv... :tongue_smilie:


I am glad to hear that your week went well. Try giving your 2 year old art work or puzzles to keep him occupied.:smash:

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It went great!! We started our day off with our school cones (something I learned about on here) and the girls went crazy over them. We also started our version of work boxes that went better than I thought. We changed out folders, added new dividers and got to work! Everyone loved all their books, worked hard and we were done in about 5 hours. Looking forward to tomorrow!!




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We had our first official day today! The crazy thing is that we have been schooling through the summer and I was still nervous! We added WWE1 and FFL 1. Just adding anything makes me nervous. We will be adding basic WTM science tues. and thurs. It went well today. I stocked up on a bunch of craft/art stuff for my 2 and 5 yo. And, my 7 yo couldn't stay away, so there were plenty of breaks and fun in the mix. I've decided that we really can't leave the house until 2 pm for any outside classes. That gives plenty of interruption time and breaks and learning.

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Today was day 1 for us, and we started using workboxes. Ds loved them! He did have trouble focusing and needed some prodding, but we also had a crazy-busy weekend, so I know he was tired. My 2yo was driving us crazy as usual; I'm still on the hunt for something (other than TV) that will keep him remotely focused for more than a minute! I'm looking forward to getting into the full routine as the days continue.

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School cones/Schultute:




(If you google them, you'll find lots of ideas.) :001_smile:


Oh, and we started today. We did about a 70% schedule/workload because I'm just not ready w/ all their stuff. It went well/smoothly (esp. since the kids weren't esp. looking forward to it, lol). Ds said he (gasp!) actually enjoyed the day -- it was really good because we did a science experiment (his favorite part).


I've semi-implemented workboxes, but want to get better shelving (hopefully next weekend), so I'm hoping to get everything finalized & completely rolling by next week.

Edited by Stacia
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We had a good time! Our very relaxed first day consisted of....


- I read a R+S Bible story while DD colored in the corresponding page

- we used cuisenaire rods for the first time with a few pages of the alphabet book

- DD helped me make granola bars!


We also met some HS friends at a park this morning.

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Last week went great, but today ds (3) and dd(1) are restless and hanging on my leg for hours and whinning at me while we struggled to work over their noise. My third grader has decided that deep sighing at the start of every lesson is the 'cool' thing to do. It also didn't help that the neighborhood kids were playing in our yard with all my kids toys while we were trying to complete lessons. Things should go a lot smoother when public school resumes.

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School cones/Schultute:




(If you google them, you'll find lots of ideas.) :001_smile:


Oh, and we started today. We did about a 70% schedule/workload because I'm just not ready w/ all their stuff. It went well/smoothly (esp. since the kids weren't esp. looking forward to it, lol). Ds said he (gasp!) actually enjoyed the day -- it was really good because we did a science experiment (his favorite part).


I've semi-implemented workboxes, but want to get better shelving (hopefully next weekend), so I'm hoping to get everything finalized & completely rolling by next week.


Thanks! The school cones look neat.

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Last week went great, but today ds (3) and dd(1) are restless and hanging on my leg for hours and whinning at me while we struggled to work over their noise. My third grader has decided that deep sighing at the start of every lesson is the 'cool' thing to do. It also didn't help that the neighborhood kids were playing in our yard with all my kids toys while we were trying to complete lessons. Things should go a lot smoother when public school resumes.


This is why I chose to start our school year on the same day as the PS in this area. We will not have to worry about the neighborhood kids interrupting us.:D

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We're on our 3rd week, too. For the first time EVER, I've gotten everything done that I'd planned. Hmm...maybe not *quite* everything, but we actually got around to art AND we did a science experiment. Or 2.


Considering the ages of my kids & the fact that my mom was in town for a few days, I find this to be the equivalent of a Beatific vision. :D

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