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Wow, crime happens right around the corner

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My DH took our dd17 to deposit her check at Wachovia today at 2:30pm. No one was allowed in the bank because it had been robbed at 1:00pm. Yikes! And now my DH found an update online that said the suspect was found a little while ago and wouldn't surrender his gun. He pointed at the officer who responded with gun and the suspect was killed. It's kind of surreal to have something like this happen just a couple of miles from my home.

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My DH took our dd17 to deposit her check at Wachovia today at 2:30pm. No one was allowed in the bank because it had been robbed at 1:00pm. Yikes! And now my DH found an update online that said the suspect was found a little while ago and wouldn't surrender his gun. He pointed at the officer who responded with gun and the suspect was killed. It's kind of surreal to have something like this happen just a couple of miles from my home.


Gah! I'm glad they didn't go earlier.

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Whew! That was close. Glad they're ok.


A couple of weeks ago I was driving home from dd16's piano lesson. A truck in front of me turned the corner ahead of me and then tried to pull into a bank but was unable to because it was blocked by a police car. We learned later that the bank had just been robbed. Seems it's happening a lot.

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Wow!! That's so scary! Thank God they didn't go earlier in the day. That happened down the street from me too. Literally like 4 or 5 blocks away a bank was held up and there was a hostage standoff with the police!! We had no idea what was even going on there until we saw it on the news that night. We were floored when we saw how close it was to us! :eek: This is a crazy world we live in.

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isn't that a weird feeling?


yeah -- a guy in our crime watch community was murdered when his pawn shop was robbed.


They have to keep the pawn shop open for 90 days. DH was down there today helping be part of the 'strength in numbers' security team they put together till it closes. There are reward posters EVERYWHERE.

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Wow!! That's so scary! Thank God they didn't go earlier in the day.


Yes, especially since my dd17 goes into the bank alone to do her banking. She's a young adult with a job and is so proud of herself for learning how to do things on her own. She was freaked out to realize her bank was robbed. I couldn't imagine if she was inside it when it happened!

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Yes, especially since my dd17 goes into the bank alone to do her banking. She's a young adult with a job and is so proud of herself for learning how to do things on her own. She was freaked out to realize her bank was robbed. I couldn't imagine if she was inside it when it happened!



Gasp!! Someone was looking out for her! :)

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