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Life of Fred, How do you "grade"?


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I'm thinking of a couple of different approaches to coming up with a grading system for LOF and wondered how some of you are doing it? I'm trying to decide if I want to do a daily grade for the chapters and use the bridges for test scores or not.


And out of curiosity, how many bridges do you make your child complete? This is our first year with Fred, I'm just wondering how others use it!




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I'm thinking of a couple of different approaches to coming up with a grading system for LOF and wondered how some of you are doing it? I'm trying to decide if I want to do a daily grade for the chapters and use the bridges for test scores or not.


And out of curiosity, how many bridges do you make your child complete? This is our first year with Fred, I'm just wondering how others use it!




Well, I don't really grade it. They work through mostly on their own, dh and I help as needed, then they do the Bridges. If they don't pass the first bridge, they do the second, etc. until they pass. So I just make them do the amount of bridges they need to until they pass. So if they pass the first bridge, they move on. If they need to do all 5 bridges, then so bet it, then we'll move on. My two never had to do all 5, though one chapter confused dd for some reason and she had to do 4 bridges. Not sure how everyone else does it, but that's working for us.
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If they don't pass the first bridge, they do the second, etc. until they pass. So I just make them do the amount of bridges they need to until they pass. So if they pass the first bridge, they move on. If they need to do all 5 bridges, then so bet it, then we'll move on. My two never had to do all 5, though one chapter confused dd for some reason and she had to do 4 bridges.


:iagree: That's how we do it.

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