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Someone tell me what to do. I'm sick of making decisions!

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Dh will be home next week - WOO HOO!!!!


So this week I'm madly cleaning and organizing and trying to make everything perfect for him to come home to. Which is a little silly, he knows I'm not a neat and tidy person, but it's going to look like I am. My mom was here last week and took my two older girls home with her so I could get a little more work done. Just a reduction in the number of children seems to make me twice as productive. However, my grandmother (who my mother helps care for) is in the hospital now with a compression fracture of her spine. She has terrible osteoporosis (sp?) and this isn't an uncommon occurance, but certainly not easy. So my dad is caring for the kids. I had planned on going down there Thursday to get them. I'm trying to get the carpets shampooed, all the laundry done, sorted, put away, closets organized, drawers cleaned out - you know all that nonsense.


Dad called this morning and asked if I could come earlier. Of course, I can. That's not the problem. But I don't want to stay until next Monday either. But if I don't stay my mom can't come home with me. She's planning on riding back with me and flying home the day dh gets home so she can see him and hug his neck.


My sister - who lives in another town - has offered to go get the two girls and keep them til Friday. Then we'll all go to my parents, I'll get my kids back, mom will come home with me and all will be right with the world. Except my BIL is not on my list of favorite people. I know he'd be ok with the kids, I just personally don't *like* him. He's a harsh parent and not very sympathetic and my kids are at the end of a very long year, plus the excitement of dad coming home, plus the craziness of traveling. I'm not sure that's the best idea for my kids.


So - someone make the decision for me. Tell me what to do. I don't think there's a clear right or wrong and I'm too worn out to make any more plans.

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I can tell you what I would do:


Bring the kids home now.

Dh doesn't need to come home to a spotless 'magazine house'. He needs to come home to HOME, complete with kids, and messes, and projects half finished & lego hiding by the edge of the couch so you step on it & swear and laugh at the same time. Clean just a bit, play with your kids, go for an outing to a park together & together enjoy the days of anticipating his return.


Life's complicated enough - don't make it more so.

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I agree. Get the cosmetic cleaning done so it'll be nice to come home to, do as much as the deeper cleaning as you can, then go get your kids. It's not ideal, but dh likely won't mind coming home to a house where the closets aren't organized. ;)

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Yeah, I agree too. It's not as if you want him to think that while he was gone you became this magical new creature, able to single parent, keep a spotless house, and leap tall buildings! :tongue_smilie::D


Get your kids, and let your mom come when she can to hug his neck too. This will be a priceless time and the closets and drawers can stay like they are so they won't get re-messed up!

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He's a harsh parent and not very sympathetic and my kids are at the end of a very long year, plus the excitement of dad coming home, plus the craziness of traveling. I'm not sure that's the best idea for my kids.



Don't send them there. Decision made.

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