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For those of you with more than two homeschoolers

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What type of planner or planning form do you like to use? I like to plan things out in writing, but all the store bought/internet planners don't seem to work for more than two students maximum, and I don't want to have to keep more than one planner or set of planning pages. I am willing to do a planning page for each student and keep them in a binder, but I was hoping for a more convenient option. I have three full-time homeschoolers this year, and I will have four next year. Thanks.

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I have the free version, but I just couldn't stick with entering in all those assignments for all the kids. Also, there are several subjects we do together...how does HS Tracker deal with those? Do they print out individually for each child, or is there a combining option in the full price version?


Is HS Tracker worth the full price, or do you use the free version?


Angela in Ohio, if you wouldn't mind, I would love to look at your Excel document. Do you have it posted somewhere, or would you be willing to e-mail it to me? With names changed/removed at your discretion, of course.

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for our core subjects...most of them are "do the next lesson" type thing. We do our core subjects in the am and I just have one word document per child w/ their tentative schedule on it for the am. As for the combined subjects...Science/History/Art...I have a regular planner in which I write in pencil the tentative plans for a month of so in advance (lesson #, supplies, etc.). I'll write the tent. plans on each kids schedule. I also have an Excel sheet I used to keep with the schedule more tightly laid out, but that sort of schedule doesn't work for us. Too strict. We need more flexibility. So...we just have the am schedule and pm schedule. If I need to work w/ a spec. child I'll factor that into the week. It will get harder b/c I'm adding a Ker and PreKer to the mix next year (actually, the Ker does some stuff this year and that's been a challenge to fit it simply b/c he takes naps in the pm).

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It will get harder b/c I'm adding a Ker and PreKer to the mix next year (actually, the Ker does some stuff this year and that's been a challenge to fit it simply b/c he takes naps in the pm).


I'm with you there. I have a K'er this year, and it is difficult to schedule his time in. I find that if I get the older two started on math, which is mostly independent with a little help from me, then I can sit down with my K'er for about 20 min. and work on phonics, numbers, and beginning writing. I have a Pre-K'er this year, too, but I just sort of fit him in whenever I can.

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I use a custom-made Excel document. One page is one day, although at the point where I hit four students, I think it would be double-sided each day. At the top I have boxes for the things we all do together, then for the individual subjects together under that.


I use Excel as well. I have one page for my oldest dd's work, including her independent work. She also gets a copy of it. One page for my 2nd dd, one for the 3rd and 4th child together and one for Science and History on a single page. I don't mind separate pages because that is how I do hs. I only have to flip pages when I am done with the one before it.




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