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Wednesday was my birthday.........and

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I turned 55 -- yes, 55! And, '40' seems like it happened just yesterday -- really -- the time goes by so quickly. Granted, I have realized that in the past 15 years I have: married, given birth to three children (dd now 10 and b/g twins almost 9), have had my two older daughters graduate high school, college, both get married, one gave birth to 2 beautiful grand-daughters, one start medical school, DH and I relocated from NJ to VA (which to us is now home).....and it does all seem like it happened a minute ago.


Here is the link to what I wrote about approaching '40' -- in response to the question posted yesterday.



I will try to attach the photo that dh took of the 3 kids and me at dinner -:party:- at such a cute little Chinese restaurant that we all love. The kids got ALL dressed up, and they were so excited. I think that if you look closely, you are able to see DH in the mirror in the background (he is taking the photo). (I think I've been able to attach it)


Anyway, I think that (for me, at least) 55 sounds much worse than it really is. I do have a couple of friends who are the same age who do not have young children and they walk in the door at night and collapse -- I do think the kids keep me moving, a moving object is harder to hit, an object at rest tends to remain at rest, and on and on.


Don't mean to bore anyone -- I do, however, find fascinating the differences here on this board that are transcended by the common thread of homeschooling.



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