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Babysitter pay

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I have 4 kids (9,7,5, & 2.) I've been paying $12/hour to have a sitter come in once/twice a week so I can run errands and sometimes just take a "mommy break."


Well, my neighbor comes over today and tells me she pays her sitter $10/hour for 2 kids (ages 4 & 2.) At first I felt like a cheapskate, but then I thought, "Well, my older two kids are pretty self-sufficient, and the 5yo mainly hangs out with his big brother and plays legos. So really, she's just making sure the 2 year old doesn't swallow small objects or burn the house down."


I also tend to hire college-aged girls, if that makes any difference. I just feel they're a little more responsible.


Should I pay more? What do you think? How much do you pay your sitters?

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There are rnas that don't make $12 an hour. Heck, I'm pretty sure that a person with their ECE (Early Childhood Education) get maybe about the same pay.


I made a whopping $2.25 an hour running a licenced day home, by the time I broke it down by week, then by hour. and that's BEFORE my expenses of feeding snack x2 and lunch, craft supplies, toys, etc.


If the sitter is good with what you're paying, I wouldn't worry.

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I'm not paying for the "care" I'm more paying for there to be a responsible adult if an emergency happens (injury, choking, fire, gas leak, intruder, etc.)


Pay for sitters depends on locale and also just plain what it's worth to the sitter. And to you



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I did a ton of babysitting as a teen. A TON. I tended to just take what the parents gave me. I was in high enough demand that I knew they paid me what they could afford...if that makes sense. I got $5/hour for watching a single infant (6 months to 2 years in the time I watched her), but she required a bit more care. I got paid $5/hour by a single mom with four kids to watch them while she was at work and whenever she needed some down time etc... I got paid $25/hour to watch three kids by another family, but he was the senior partner of the only neurology clinic in town. Etc... on average parents paid me what they could afford, and I was fine with that because 1) I enjoyed watching the kids 2) I was still making way more money than my friends with regular paying jobs.


Chances are if she is still more than happy to come watch your kids than she is content with how much you're paying her.


I still mourn the loss of my babysitting... I often made more in a single day/night and had more fun than I make in a week now.

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This must be why I have never paid a babysitter! If I really need one my dd, my mom or my sister help out. My dh and I are both working part time right now, and neither of us makes $12 per hour. I wish I could babysit for you! I am sure your sitter is happy to get it. She would only get $8 working retail or fast food.

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There are rnas that don't make $12 an hour. Heck, I'm pretty sure that a person with their ECE (Early Childhood Education) get maybe about the same pay.


I made a whopping $2.25 an hour running a licenced day home, by the time I broke it down by week, then by hour. and that's BEFORE my expenses of feeding snack x2 and lunch, craft supplies, toys, etc.


If the sitter is good with what you're paying, I wouldn't worry.


I think that my dh should take up babysitting!:lol:


Actually, I was looking into babysitting once we get in our home.

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