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Couch to 5k runners, check-in here!

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Hope this isn't too much of a downer, but I just really hit a wall when the intervals ended in Week 7. I have run for 25 minutes straight, but it has been torture *the entire time.* I have been near exhaustion, struggling to keep moving, looked at my watch, and seen that I still had 18 minutes to go!! So several times I have had to stop at 20 minutes instead of going for the goal of 25, or run for 10 minutes, walk for 3, then run for another ten, rather than jogging the entire time. As long as I had the intervals I really enjoyed the program-- was challenged, definitely, but had moments that I could tolerate, or even enjoy at times... now it's just very, very hard the entire time. I'm wondering if I need to lose weight before jogging for 25 minutes or more straight will be truly manageable for me. I've only lost a couple pounds since starting the program, and I have a significant amount of weight to lose. I'm thinking my body might just literally be too heavy to sustain that kind of work without breaks. I mean, I weigh 50 pounds more than my sister does, who did the program with me-- obviously there has to be a difference in our ability to move forward at a certain point. Has anyone else experienced this? I have to admit I'm disappointed, because I have really enjoyed the program, and then to fizzle out like this right at the end is a bummer. :confused:

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Hope this isn't too much of a downer, but I just really hit a wall when the intervals ended in Week 7. I have run for 25 minutes straight, but it has been torture *the entire time.* I have been near exhaustion, struggling to keep moving, looked at my watch, and seen that I still had 18 minutes to go!! So several times I have had to stop at 20 minutes instead of going for the goal of 25, or run for 10 minutes, walk for 3, then run for another ten, rather than jogging the entire time. As long as I had the intervals I really enjoyed the program-- was challenged, definitely, but had moments that I could tolerate, or even enjoy at times... now it's just very, very hard the entire time. I'm wondering if I need to lose weight before jogging for 25 minutes or more straight will be truly manageable for me. I've only lost a couple pounds since starting the program, and I have a significant amount of weight to lose. I'm thinking my body might just literally be too heavy to sustain that kind of work without breaks. I mean, I weigh 50 pounds more than my sister does, who did the program with me-- obviously there has to be a difference in our ability to move forward at a certain point. Has anyone else experienced this? I have to admit I'm disappointed, because I have really enjoyed the program, and then to fizzle out like this right at the end is a bummer. :confused:




I don't know because I am new in the program, but I hope someone else will be able to help you out.

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Hope this isn't too much of a downer, but I just really hit a wall when the intervals ended in Week 7. I have run for 25 minutes straight, but it has been torture *the entire time.* I have been near exhaustion, struggling to keep moving, looked at my watch, and seen that I still had 18 minutes to go!! So several times I have had to stop at 20 minutes instead of going for the goal of 25, or run for 10 minutes, walk for 3, then run for another ten, rather than jogging the entire time. As long as I had the intervals I really enjoyed the program-- was challenged, definitely, but had moments that I could tolerate, or even enjoy at times... now it's just very, very hard the entire time. I'm wondering if I need to lose weight before jogging for 25 minutes or more straight will be truly manageable for me. I've only lost a couple pounds since starting the program, and I have a significant amount of weight to lose. I'm thinking my body might just literally be too heavy to sustain that kind of work without breaks. I mean, I weigh 50 pounds more than my sister does, who did the program with me-- obviously there has to be a difference in our ability to move forward at a certain point. Has anyone else experienced this? I have to admit I'm disappointed, because I have really enjoyed the program, and then to fizzle out like this right at the end is a bummer. :confused:


Are you eating enough protein? When I feel exhausted during exercise, it is often because I haven't eaten enough protein that day or the day before. Are you drinking enough water? Are you running in the heat?


I could just be that you need to stay at week 7 for awhile. While I wasn't overweight when I started this plan, it took me a long time to run 30 minutes continuously and feel great the whole time. If you're not in discomfort or pain from running (sore knees or joints), you may just need to work up your endurance. I know I did. Congrats for hanging in there even though it's tough.

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Way to go OP! Thanks for posting about this i've never heard of this before...I think I might try this...Gotta get a better bra and some good shoes..but I think this might just work for me. I've always wanted to start running but i always started too hard too much too fast too soon. So Thanks again for posting. Wish you and all the others who are doing this the best of luck!

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Way to go OP! Thanks for posting about this i've never heard of this before...I think I might try this...Gotta get a better bra and some good shoes..but I think this might just work for me. I've always wanted to start running but i always started too hard too much too fast too soon. So Thanks again for posting. Wish you and all the others who are doing this the best of luck!


You should go for it!!

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Erica! Don't be discouraged...I have been exactly where you are...I have weight to lose (40ish lbs) that didn't drop at all throughout my couch to 5k experience. I hit the same wall you did. Stick with the intervals for a longer time until they start to feel easier and then move forward. I promised myself that I would control the program, not let it control me, which means flexibility is the ONLY way to make it to the end. Running programs aren't one-size-fits-all so use it as it works, and stay at the point you are for a week or two or more. Consider tweaking the program: change the intervals to suit what you can handle. HOw about you run for as long as you can and then walk a minute or two and then run again as long as you can & then walk. Aim for a total amount of 30 minutes of exercise, and don't worry about what the program says you are "supposed" to be doing. Work towards improving towards the week 7 workouts but do it at your pace.


Remember, what you are doing out there in intervals is still better for your total health than staying home on the couch. Running non-stop will come...don't let this setback get you down, ok??


Regarding weight loss, I read lots of good ideas on coolrunning.com and their message boards for newbie runners. You might look there. I have found that I needed to be running faster & more regularly before the weight would start comng off--I was not really always running at weight-loss pace during couch to 5k, but you ARE getting stronger & healthier. I am seeing results when I look at the way my clothes fit, even though the scale doesn't show this as quickly. :)


Stick with it! It's worth it! :)

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Hope this isn't too much of a downer, but I just really hit a wall when the intervals ended in Week 7. I have run for 25 minutes straight, but it has been torture *the entire time.* I have been near exhaustion, struggling to keep moving, looked at my watch, and seen that I still had 18 minutes to go!! So several times I have had to stop at 20 minutes instead of going for the goal of 25, or run for 10 minutes, walk for 3, then run for another ten, rather than jogging the entire time. As long as I had the intervals I really enjoyed the program-- was challenged, definitely, but had moments that I could tolerate, or even enjoy at times... now it's just very, very hard the entire time. I'm wondering if I need to lose weight before jogging for 25 minutes or more straight will be truly manageable for me. I've only lost a couple pounds since starting the program, and I have a significant amount of weight to lose. I'm thinking my body might just literally be too heavy to sustain that kind of work without breaks. I mean, I weigh 50 pounds more than my sister does, who did the program with me-- obviously there has to be a difference in our ability to move forward at a certain point. Has anyone else experienced this? I have to admit I'm disappointed, because I have really enjoyed the program, and then to fizzle out like this right at the end is a bummer. :confused:


Keep going. Don't worry about what "week" you are on. Stay at that week, or even drop back a week if you need to. I think I did everything after week 6 (on a different program, same idea) for at least 2 weeks, then because of an injury, had to drop back to week 5 and stay there for a few weeks. Don't give up. My dh joked that the programs (C25k, or runner's world) seemed designed for someone who had SOME sort base, either a natural strength or endurance, and not really made for TRUE life-time couch potatoes like us (he meant him and me.:D)


My dh has been running for years, and is just getting to the place many seem to get to in just a year. I've worked hard for a year, and still had to do a run/walk combo for my 5k. But I'm in better shape than I've ever been in my whole life.


Just keep going. It's worth it.

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Keep going. Don't worry about what "week" you are on. Stay at that week, or even drop back a week if you need to. I think I did everything after week 6 (on a different program, same idea) for at least 2 weeks, then because of an injury, had to drop back to week 5 and stay there for a few weeks. Don't give up. My dh joked that the programs (C25k, or runner's world) seemed designed for someone who had SOME sort base, either a natural strength or endurance, and not really made for TRUE life-time couch potatoes like us (he meant him and me.:D)


My dh has been running for years, and is just getting to the place many seem to get to in just a year. I've worked hard for a year, and still had to do a run/walk combo for my 5k. But I'm in better shape than I've ever been in my whole life.


Just keep going. It's worth it.


I'm so glad you all are here posting these thoughts. I'm just did my second day *between* Wk. 5 day2 - Wk. 5 day3! So for me, day 2-a was jog 1 mile, walk 1/4 mile, jog 3/4 mile; and day 2-b was jog 1-1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, jog 1/2 mile. So I'm getting there! And each day felt a little better than the last.


And, as I keep saying, each new distance is a new milestone for me! That was the first time I ran a mile w/o stopping, and today is the first time I've run more than a mile w/o stopping! I think I'll get there eventually.


But man, am I slow next to dh!


We're trying for a 5K (my first ever, his first in ~10 yrs) in November.

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Time for another check in. We have gotten a bit behind because of sickness in both families, but my bff and I are still running. We are doing week 5 this week. We ran a little extra tonight, so it was right at two miles. It was hard and I feel great! How is everyone else doing??


Oh, and if you are doing a race soon, let us know. I will be doing my first 5K on October 3rd!

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