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Ask Dr. Callahan Alg 2/ Trig - anyone used this?

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I haven't bought an ALg 2 or Alg 2 trig program for my dd yet. SOmeone on a list suggested going on a website that has sample math videos and having our kids pick. I haven't done that yet but did notice that the Ask Dr. Callahan program was cheaper and did do both Alg 2 and Trig like I expected a program to do versus Chalkdust which is more expensive and has only ALg 2. My dd did Algebra 1 with the Jacobs book and while that is not Alg 2, it seems to go into Alg 2 territory more than many other books. She did very well in that. Any opinions?

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I was really hoping someone would respond. So far I have bought the textbk and solutions manual, and I am probably going to buy Dr. Callahan’s materials next week.


I haven’t google searched these boards recently, but it did not seem like many had used the Alg.II/trig material, more had used the geom. From what I remember, one poster said that her child had gone on to do very well in a calculus class after Dr. C.; however, she wasn’t terribly impressed w/the Dr. C. materials. I don’t remember that the poster was very specific; it was a brief post. I was grateful to find any info.


There is much board discussion here about alg.II versus college algebra. The latter is 1/2 of the typical precalc course. The textbook used with Dr. C. is called College Algebra with Trigonometry. On his website Dr. C. says this textbook can be used for alg. II, but I have deferred to board wisdom and did Alg II (=intermed. algebra) before moving on to his course.


What attracts me to Dr. C’s course is that I want some video and email support if dd is to be working on her own. Dd would detest watching a full lecture every lesson and prefers to learn most of her math from a textbook; the text is somewhat like Lials but slightly less cluttered. (We successfully used Lial’s Intermed. Alg. last year. Lial’s may be a good option if you decide to do an alg II course. Videos for the 9th edition are free and online.) Also if Dr. C works out for us, we can use his calculus materials.


You may have already looked in these places, but I found out about the textbook and Dr. C. here: Cathy Duffy reviews and a link at the AskDr.Callahan website allows you to view the entire textbook at the publisher’s website. The College Algebra with Trig. textbook website also has interesting links and extra problems. In addition, I think Dr. C also has the parent notes in a .pdf. on his website.


Before I click "order" is anybody holding back an opinion?

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but it was not successful for myds. He did it in 10th grade, because it was the next thing to do in his math sequence. He is a great student and very smart....scored in the 99th percential in the PSAT....BUT...he just could not do this program on his own.


He was very frsutrated that many of the DVD lessons had nothing to do with the chapter work. Dr. Callahan would not give examples of the problems in the chapter. My ds wanted to quit watching them and just let his Dad help him. Alg. II ended up being very hard for him. It really could've have the student, but I think there was not enough explanation or examples worked.


if you have a very good math student, then give it a try. I know one time we emailed Dr. Callahan and wrote back with his help on the problem. He does respond quickly to emails.


This program just became very frustrating for all of us. Although, sometimes more is learned in struggling through a class even if you don't get the grade you want. KWIM....


FWIW....my other ds used Dr. Callahan's Geometry DVD's with the Jacobs text and he said the same thing that DVD lessons did not have much to do with the chapter he was on, even though we were following Dr. Callahan's schedule. That ds did quit using the DVD's and just read the chapters on his own and taught himself geometry. I will probably not invest in Dr. Callahan's DVD's again. Just my experience. For our kids, a live teacher has been invaluable in the upper level math classes (Alg, II and beyond!)

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I haven't read the other posts. I have Disc 1 of the geometry DVD and I really did not like it. He stands too much in front of the white board obscuring the view of what he's teaching. I was not impressed with the teaching either. HTHs You can ask them for a sample DVD, so you can make the decision for yourself.

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