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Pet peeve of the week, LOL....

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I just can not understand why people have to pull up in the front of a store....and sit there.... You can't get around them if another car is coming....can't they see that? Do they think they are special or something?


And....it even says NO PARKING FIRE LANE.


Ok....I feel better now.

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Oh I thought for a minute there you were talking about SC. hehe same happens here all the time, except usually it is more than 1 person then you can't even get into the lot because everyone is blocking the entrance...very annoying...I blame it on lazyitis:tongue_smilie:

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Do they think they are special or something?


Yes, they do. At our store, I most often see this happen with people picking up elderly shoppers, and I don't begrudge them that, I really don't. But if you're going to do it, don't park blocking the one and only place where the curb is sloped to allow carts to go down!!! I want to throw produce at people who do this every time I'm at the store, waiting with a loaded cart and two kids.

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I have dropped someone off (or been dropped off) there, but we don't park. We drop off, and drive around the parking lot, or go park, until we see the person come back out of the store, then go pick them back up. People that wait there... grr! It causes a major cluster, and is usually quite confusing to other drivers...

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