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Co-op questions

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Well, we decided to join a co-op. There was minimal fees and parents were going to be volunteering to teach. It had music, art, drama, and p.e. We were very excited about it...until the post about a Professional art teacher volunteering for a minimal monthly fee to teach art to the elementary kids as well as the high school ones.

It will triple the cost for art for the year. The cost of books opposed to the cost of the art teacher triples our cost and of course it is monthly instead of up front for the book, but I don't see us swinging it financially.

We had chosen to do private music lessons for a fee for one of our children and were happy with the art book and parent teaching. We can't do the music lessons without the co-op and we can't afford the art teacher and the music lessons.

What are my options? Does it look bad at this point if they decide to do the art teacher with fees if I say I'm sorry we can't do it and opt out of the co-op. The homeschool group is together with the co-op somewhat so I will be seeing the co-op at all the parties and field trips. How can I gracefully and without seeming bitter that they changed the costs notify the co-op that we can't do it if indeed they choose to do the art teacher?

What is the protocol? I have already enrolled all the kids in the co-op and signed them up for classes prior to the art dilema. Am I obligated to do it and pay fees since I enrolled them? Does it look bad for me to say I am sorry but you changed the costs from when I filled out the application and that changes my situation.

My kids are going to be upset. They were looking forward to it and I thought it would ease the transition home from public school for them to have outside classes one day with the co-op.

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What a disappointment! I am sorry that has happened.


Honestly, I don't think you should have any bad feelings about withdrawing from the co-op if that extra expense was not part of the deal when you signed up and they say it is mandatory to stay in. They have to understand that. If they don't, it's probably best not to be part of that group, anyway.


I am sorry!

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Some co-ops will not refund part or all of the $ you've already paid, regardless of the curricumstances. Others are more informal and are fine with you getting out now.


I've been in various co-ops since we started homeschooling, and people dropped out in August in every group I've ever been with for financial reasons, moves, illness, etc. etc. I really don't think anyone thought much of it. When I taught paid classes on a semester-by-semester basic, I refunded the tuition if they contacted me before the first class but kept the deposit/supply fee.

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There is no choice but to take the art class that they offer and all kids have to be in all of the classes they offer. We aren't in a position to increase the monthly expense that we had anticipated for the co-op expenses. I emailed and tried to nicely tell them that we couldn't do any more than the anticipated cost from the application. I had carefully weighed whether we could swing the co-op fees before filling out the applications so I know we can't budget any more money for it. It is pretty much given they are going with the art teacher now.

Honestly, I had only met one family from the co-op and went to the co-op site and registered online. We were suppose to pay fees at the back to school party. So I haven't paid any money just filled out and turned in our applications with the intent to pay at the party.

We will still get to go to the back to school pool party b/c it is for the co-op as well as the local homeschool group (those that don't opt to do the co-op). I am pretty bummed about it and the kids are too, but I figure it is better to cut our losses now than try to invent money we don't have and embarass ourselves by not being able to make the monthly fees. I guess I just didn't realize how quickly a co-op could change it's mind about the class and increase fees and such. I figured they had it set in stone when they posted their fees for the upcoming year on site and wrote up applications with them.

I am wondering if it would have been a good thing for us to do anyway. It is our first year homeschooling. I just hope opting out of the co-op doesn't affect us being in the homeschool group which is made up of a lot of the co-op members as well. You have to be in the homeschool group to be in the co-op but not the other way around. I am a little bummed b/c I had already told the kids about it and they were looking forward to it, but we can only do what we can do and I am not going to overextend us to do it.

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Wow, I've never heard of a group changing the class/pricing after people have signed up. No, I wouldn't think you're obligated at all. Especially in these financial times, how on earth can they expect folks to be able to make such a late notice change?


I'm sorry this has happened to you. I would politely tell them that this change has caused you not to be able to afford to do the coop and just see how it pans out.

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I think you made the right choice for your family. You based your first decision on the information that was available. I think they would understand considering they changed the parameters. It is not unusual for folks to drop out of things when it isn't working for their family at anytime during the year. Thankfully you didn't lose any fees.


Since this is your first year hs'g, it might have been too much for you. Maybe you can organize a play date with others at a local park so your kids get to be with the other children. We just post a note on our Yahoo Group for our homeschooling group and you get a few families who will want to join you.


HTH and blessings as you begin the journey.

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There are probably other families thinking along the same lines as yourself. Most HS'ers are one income families, and many are on a budget, especially in these economic times.

If you tell them you can't participate due to the new fees, you might not be the only one saying something similiar. It might cause whoever made the decision to reconsider it, and it might all work out in the end for you.

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I think opting out was the best choice for us at this point. I think it may have become overwhelming our first year to try such a large co-op and I am a believer that things happen for a reason. We will still have field trips, parties, and get-togethers with the homeschool group. We just won't be in the co-op classes.

My husband confessed to me tonight that he was secretly glad that we won't be doing co-op this year. He thought that bringing the kids home and me tackling teaching was enough of an endeavor to take on this year without adding in the complexity of a co-op class situation. He didn't want to dampen my enthusiasm though about the thought of having other homeschool families and friends. Hopefully just being part of the homeschool group will help us to feel a part of the homeschool community.

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My husband confessed to me tonight that he was secretly glad that we won't be doing co-op this year. He thought that bringing the kids home and me tackling teaching was enough of an endeavor to take on this year without adding in the complexity of a co-op class situation. He didn't want to dampen my enthusiasm though about the thought of having other homeschool families and friends. Hopefully just being part of the homeschool group will help us to feel a part of the homeschool community.



:iagree: He makes some good points. The first year is tuff. Not difficult tuff just tuff in the sense of working out new routines, getting everybody used to each other ALL DAY and that sort of stuff and finding your groove. Much less working in the grooove of a co-op. My group runs a co-op with our homeschool group (which I run) and we have the same requirement. you have to belong to the group to enter the co-op. But we include the entire group in parties, park days, and have several at large events that are support group events that co-op participates in. It should be fine. There should still be events to attend, field trips and such.

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