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Went to dh's 25th reunion

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It was so much fun watching him reconnect with people he hadn't seen in years. It was fun, too, to see people realize who he was. My dh now has a braid down to his waist (he used to have a crew cut), and if I must say so myself he is really handsome.


I kind of hadn't noticed that in awhile, so it was a good reminder for me to cherish what I have.


The event was held at a nearby lake, so we all stood in the water and chatted for hours while our kids played around us. Really beautiful!


When was the last time you "saw" your spouse? How did it feel?

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What a great reminder, Jennifer.

The last time I "saw" my dh was at a wedding a month ago. We were the only middle aged couple there. By that I mean everyone was either 25 or 60. During the ceremony, my dh reached for my hand and gave me a squeeze and I felt this rush of awe that after 15 years he's still mine. All mine. It was a great moment and a great day.

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Wow - over a hundred people looked at this post, but I guess we're the only romantics, Kalah!


What's going on out there????



No you're not. Thanks for sharing this moment of yours. This has happened a number of times over the years, fortunately! Most recently, a couple of times with dc.


Seeing dh around other people, speaking well, looking good in jeans, smiling across a room at me, mmmmm.

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You know, this post reminded me that I haven't "seen" my dh in a while. We're in the process of adopting from China (have a referral & hope to travel by Christmas), and we're also adding a room on to our house--dh and friends are doing the work. Of course I'm doing the homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. So...we've been so busy lately. It's time that we take time to "see" each other. Your post was lovely. Thanks! I needed to hear it.:001_smile:

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I have trouble with that too. Two small kids in bed with me and dh on the sofa doesn't leave much opportunity for snuggling. Two small kids and a full uni load for dh doesn't leave much energy for snuggling anyway. Yesterday, though, he started late at uni so helped me shower the kids and we all cuddled up in bed to chat and read aloud for a while. It was nice to be awake enough to hang out and feel like buddies. To feel relaxed and enough like buddies that I was even able to find his dumb jokes funny, well that doesn't happen often enough. I even managed to dig out a photo of us on our first anniversary. I'm sure I look 6 years older, but he looks just the same :)

So ner, ner. My husband is better looking than all your husbands! :lol:




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