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How long do you have your 6th grader work on math?


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Dd will be working in Chalkdust Basic Math. I am trying to figure out how long I should have her work 30, 45, or 60mins a day? She is not a math person, so I know it's going to take her a while to do the problems..hoping I'll be wrong!

I plan on her only working on the odd problems.

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I would imagine 45 minutes a day would be sufficient. You could try it and see how it goes and then add an extra 15 minutes more if needed. That text is not particularly long...I am not even sure if it is intended to fill an entire school year. Depending on what math she has used before, a significant amount would likely be review. I would try 45 minutes a day with a view to bumping up to an hour a day when she gets to Pre-Algebra.



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We did an hour last year for 6th grade as long as he was actually working. If he started to daydream, I would have complete a particular section regardless of the time. In other words, if he didn't actually accomplish anything in an hour, math was not done for the day.

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My dd shuts down very quickly when she gets overwhelmed. Math is not her thing. For her, short (really short) lessons are the key. She did 20 minutes of math daily in 5th grade. That time included my teaching, her doing the exercise and my checking of her work. She still got through Singapore 4B and 5A in one year (although it was a calendar year rather than a schoolyear).


For 6th grade, I'm bumping her up to 25 minutes. I used to assign her the amount of work that I thought she could do in 30 minutes. She would shut down right at the start. She just knew she'd have a horribly difficult time with whatever it was and couldn't get going. She'd spend an hour complaining about it without getting anything done. As soon as I switched her to a time-based system, everything changed. She knew that as soon as the timer beeped, she could stop. It didn't seem overwhelming anymore. She often manages to finish an entire exercise in 20 minutes. A few times she's even gotten two exercise done in that time. She usually takes 3 days to do two exercises though.

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We set a time limit, but only because Yacko & Wacko tend to dawdle otherwise. The time limit is dependant on the length of the lesson on which they're working. We do a lesson a day; more if the lessons are short or mostly review. Starting in the fall, Yacko may be doing two lessons a day.

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