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MEP Math?


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I just saw someone posting about MEP Math and they put up a link to the FREE math curriculum. I was wondering if anyone has tried this, has opinions, or knows anything about it.


I looked in the first practice book and it looks very similar to my daughter's Singapore early bird.


Just wondering if it's a viable program that might be a good choice. I really want my daughter to have a good math program b/c her dad's an engineer and she seems to have his mathematical mind. I'm overwhelmed with all the choices but I'd love to use something free if it was a good program...



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I cannot say enough good things about this program. I am using it exclusively with my dc. We only started using it last April, and already I have noticed great improvement in their mental math skills, and knowledge of math facts.


If you search for mep you will turn up several postings about it. It is a teacher-led program. But the lessons are simple to implement. My dc love it. They call it math puzzles, not math class. They actually bicker over who gets to 'do math puzzles' first.


Let me find a couple of links that may help you learn more.





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One of my posts from an earlier MEP thread:


I am currently using MEP with my dc, and we all love it. It works well for us. I've seen several posts curious and asking about this program. The MEP homeschoolers Yahoo group recently posted a link to a blog from a MEP-mom who did a fantastic job of writing up and introduction to this math program.


Here it is, in case you are curious...




FROM THE BLOG, for those of you who are wondering what MEP is....


"What is MEP anyway?


MEP stands for the Mathematics Enhancement Programme. It is a maths curriculum developed by the CIMT - Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching - at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. It is currently undergoing trial in British schools.


MEP is free for non-profit use and while not specifically designed for home schoolers, the programme works well with a little modification for a 1-on-1 teaching style.


You'll find the programme at their website:



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Pre-standardized testing, I wasn't as super keen about recommending the program because I remained nervous about how much mathematical thinking they were absorbing.


Post testing: MEP gets 2 thumbs up and a flashing green light as our math curr. of choice. We don't do anything else . . . I spend a couple hours a day doing MEP math with my boys.


It's a great program; it's free; well supported by a great yahoo group; imho, no reason not to use MEP. I have one super academic kid and one working-hard-at-it kid . . . they both scored in the 90's percentile ranking.


Warmly, Tricia

Edited by Sweetpeach
I think quicker than I type!
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I just saw someone posting about MEP Math and they put up a link to the FREE math curriculum. I was wondering if anyone has tried this' date=' has opinions, or knows anything about it.


I looked in the first practice book and it looks very similar to my daughter's Singapore early bird.


Just wondering if it's a viable program that might be a good choice. I really want my daughter to have a good math program b/c her dad's an engineer and she seems to have his mathematical mind. I'm overwhelmed with all the choices but I'd love to use something free if it was a good program...




I have only glanced over levels 5 and 6, and I like what I have seen - for example combinatorics and formal set notation.


It looks more teacher intensive, but well worth it.


I am impressed and will likely use some of this with my daughter this fall.


It is nice that it is free, but a bit annoying to print it all.


Good Luck. :)

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One of my posts from an earlier MEP thread:


I am currently using MEP with my dc, and we all love it. It works well for us. I've seen several posts curious and asking about this program. The MEP homeschoolers Yahoo group recently posted a link to a blog from a MEP-mom who did a fantastic job of writing up and introduction to this math program.


Here it is, in case you are curious...




FROM THE BLOG, for those of you who are wondering what MEP is....


"What is MEP anyway?


MEP stands for the Mathematics Enhancement Programme. It is a maths curriculum developed by the CIMT - Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching - at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. It is currently undergoing trial in British schools.


MEP is free for non-profit use and while not specifically designed for home schoolers, the programme works well with a little modification for a 1-on-1 teaching style.


You'll find the programme at their website:




This was a great link. I saw it when you first posted it.


Just picked up my copies of MEP workbooks/manuals from Staples. So excited to start. Wish we weren't leaving for vacation tomorrow...



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It's a really amazing program, imo. Ds has alternately loved and hated it, because it makes you THINK, rather than handing you a list of equations.


I love it, I'm glad you found the think. It's worth a try, your dcs will not fall behind on it and it helps them to really use math, rather than parrot it.

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I cannot say enough good things about this program.



I love this math program too. My dd also calls it puzzle math and loves it. We don't use it quite exclusively because I am still a huge fan of Singapore's Challenging Word Problems, but MEP is the best math program I have found for us. We used level 2 and part of level 3 last year. My dd enjoyed every single lesson we did. She started dreaming of becoming a famous mathematician.

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MEP math stretches your mind.


My son (going to 2nd grade next week) uses MEP as a supplement. I don't make him do every single problem, only the interesting ones. When he first started, I had to spend some time to get him used to the creative use of <,> sign. He can decide which one to use (with Math Mammoth) but MEP has so many variation of < and > problems. Plus some problems have unique presentation. It didn't take long to get him accustomed to MEP and I'm so happy he now can do out-of-the-box problems.


My math whiz girl (going to K next week) will use mainly MEP. She's been doing some MEP (year 1) and has no trouble. She likes it because it's fun for her.


I've seen S-pore Early Bird and Power Math K. But MEP is more challenging.

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How do I know what level to start my ds at?


He has just finished TT 5, and at the moment we don't have the extra to buy TT 6. This will be a great fill in until we can get the next TT level.


The best way I found to place a child in MEP is with their Scheme of Work. It gives you a good idea of what year to place them in. Many people go back a bit in placement because MEP covers material in a different way than other programs.

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I started Year 1 with my 4.5yo ds a couple of months ago and he loves it! I think it's a great program, too. He's never bored and asks to do it! I wasn't really planning on making it his primary math program, but he's enjoying it so much that I don't want to make him switch. His older sisters often ask why he's learning things that they don't know yet, like negative numbers and >, < signs.

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I started Year 1 with my 4.5yo ds a couple of months ago and he loves it! I think it's a great program, too. He's never bored and asks to do it! I wasn't really planning on making it his primary math program, but he's enjoying it so much that I don't want to make him switch. His older sisters often ask why he's learning things that they don't know yet, like negative numbers and >, < signs.

I really have SpyCar to thank for introducing me to MEP. I have been stunned by the "higher level" math that ds has done. For every other subject, I expected my kids to do well and never took "I can't" or "it's too hard" for an answer, but in math... well, I expected it to be so HARD. With MEP, the level he's reaching is incredible, to me anyway :)

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